The Sunless Citadel, Session 1


What follows derives from my (Chris Carter's) log. I've removed extraneous server messages and some instances of whisper, though others may be left in for context. Entries marked with "11" are from the OOC chatter channel.

<Bruce> Okay, let's see...
<11: Silana> Hey Bruce, what was the name of that nearest city, again? I thought I had it, but I don't seem to.
<Bruce> We have Chris with Meridius the fightin' badass, and BA with Liatus the putatively badass cleric :), and Dan with Quintillia Silana the sorcereress and her amusing owl, and Jason, I've forgotten which is yours.
<11: Bruce> Sallacus is a big ass city some ways away. Think of it as San Francisco to Roburcollis' Bakersfield, or something.
* Liatus rolls up on Silana. "Hey, baby."
* Silana sics her owl on Liatus.
<Liatus> :)
* Meridius grunts.
* Bruce grasps the essentials of the Imperial Presence. :)
<11: Silana> Well, for us east coasters who have no idea where bakersfield is, that doesn't help much, but I do remember you saying it was a good distance away, so good enough. :)
<11: Chris> I want to note some minor changes to Meridius. He'll be carrying a pilum (javelin) as per Jason's suggestion, along with his other weapons. And I'm switching out the Weapon Focus feat for Lightning Reflexes. [Meridius]
<11: Bruce> So noted, Chris.
<Liatus> You know, at some point I'm going to have to work up official rules for clerics of the Imperial Presence, including available Domains. I'm sorely tempted to swipe the Ancestors domain from Oriental Adventures.
<Bruce> Go for it.
<11: Jason> Can you do that Chris? You used your fighter free feat to take the Weapon Focus.
<11: Liatus> Think of it as western Mass or even New Hampshire to Boston or New York
<11: Bruce> Or Chicago and upper Wisconsin.
<11: Jason> Ah, never mind.
<11: Chris> I can swap the feats around a bit if needs be, Jason, since his other feats or Fighter-derived as well. [Meridius]
<Bruce> Okay, while folks get their stuff together, I'll ramble a few minutes and help set the scene.
<Bruce> Cataractia is, as I've remarked previously, the ass-end of the empire, more or less. It's not hugely populated, and it's not really on the way to anything except the Western Sea (and there are other ports elsewhere that deal with it). So it's a place some folks come to ditch old problems with good confidence that nobody's going to show up to contradict the stories they tell now. Others figure it's a place they can make their mark, individually or for their favored cause. And so on.
<Bruce> There's also, of course, "getting away from it all to someplace quiet' as a motive, but I thought that less likely to drive any PCs.
<Bruce> The Cataract River is the major river in these parts, its main channel cutting through the Cataract Mountains and picking up a lot of extra force from the streams thta come down off the west face of the mountains. It spends most of its time in very steep gorges, and towns along its banks often have low towns and high towns, the low towns right on the banks with piers and all, and connected by switchbacking roads up to the high towns on the bluff.
<Liatus> It would be wrong of me to gather all the political exiles together, form an army and go take over the empire, wouldn't it?
* Meridius is stationed in Cataractia because the Empire wills it. Nothing more. :)
<Bruce> Not at all, that's a fine ambition.
<11: Jason> Yeah, it works.
*** Jason is now known as Karnak.
* 11: Karnak is finishing touches on the web page.
* Liatus falls into the "someone's problem" catagory.
<Bruce> Roburcollis is one of these towns along the way. There's nothing particularly impressive about it - it's got maybe a thousand people, one decent inn, a couple of good shops and a couple of shoddy ones, and like that. Probably none of you would have spent much time there at all, except that it's been an unusually rainy summer and the road downstream from here is, well, flooded. It'll drain off, but it takes a few days for that to happen. So here you are, cooling your heels.
<11: Karnak> I'm Karnak the Monk, Bruce.
<11: Bruce> Right.
<11: Bruce> Oriented now.
<Bruce> On your way to the town, you only noticed two anomalies about the area.
<11: Karnak> has been updated with Meridius and Liatus stats.
<11: Meridius> Excellent.
<Bruce> First, there's a well-made but long-neglected road which splits off from the main road half a day east of town, and which is barricaded off, for no apparent reason. The terrain here is low hills and occasional steep ridges running parallel to the river gorge. There's farming and herding in the valleys, and some grazing along the summits. The old road runs a bit further inland than the new one does, but it's not the usual policy to just let these things go to waste.
<Bruce> Second, it's usual for the farmlands around towns like this to have fences and hedges in all conditions of repair. Here there's a whole lot of really fresh maintenance. Someone takes their boundaries series.
<Meridius> Any possibility I'd know something about this, as there's some likelihood my century worked on this...
<11: Karnak> Hmms.
<Bruce> Sure, make a Knowledge roll, DC 12. (1d20 + 2 for your Knowledge (engineering).)
## Meridius rolled 1d20+2 = 21 (19).
<Bruce> Man, you know stuff.
<Meridius> I've been around. :)
<Bruce> The old road is the work of your legion - the guys did the whole thing from a military fort on the east side of the mountains all the way down to the Western Sea. But that was, well, a while ago. Like maybe 300 years.
<Meridius> I guess I wasn't around for that. :)
<Bruce> Not unless you know something I don't. :)
<Bruce> Actually, with that roll, you _will_ recall another useful tidbit.
<Meridius> The disused road heads toward the fort?
* Bruce backs up.
<Bruce> From the mountains to the sea is a couple hundred miles or more. Roburcollis is maybe fifty miles away from the mountains. The split between old road and new road occurs a dozen or so miles closer to the mountains than the town is. The old road would presumably have missed the town.
*Bruce* It wasn't your legions' business, but you do recall an account of problems with a dragon in this area sometime after the road was built and turned over to others to maintain. The dragon got slain, as dragons do, but it may have made a fair amount of a mess before then.
<11: Bruce> Somebody please remind me in half an hour that I put a can of soda into the freezer. :)
<11: Karnak> Okay.
<Bruce> Anyone with Knowledge of history or geography is welcome to make a DC 12 roll to dredge up factoids, by the way.
<Meridius> Not me, this time. :)
<Bruce> You've already done so. :)
<Bruce> In the absence of other prior business, I am...going to put you all in the tavern!
<Silana> Not me. And the owl's not talking. :)
<Silana> (About that roll, that is.)
<Liatus> (All i've got is Religion and Arcana)
<Karnak> I'll be wet, having been sitting outside in the rain trying to beg up some coin.
<Liatus> I'll be inside. How is the food here?
<Bruce> Oh, a note for those who haven't played with me before: if at any point I'm plowing ahead too fast, _do_ feel free to interrupt and say so.
<Liatus> Check
<Bruce> I generally say something 'unless there's other sutff to do..." and move on, but sometimes I misread the signs.
* Meridius thinks there's a decent likelihood he knows Liatus, as Meridius is a pious soldier.
<Bruce> The Old Boar Inn serves quite good food, the travelers find. Garon, the guy who runs the place, is a good fisherman and hauls in the trout and salmon, and he deals with good local hunters to keep the meat good. The local beer is surprisingly decent, too.
<Liatus> How's the wine selection?
<Bruce> Very limited.
<Meridius> Does Garon make good garum, or does he have to import it?
<Bruce> Three local vintages, which are okay, and a couple of second-rate imports.
<Bruce> Remind me what garum is.
<Karnak> Karnak's a short fellow, thin and with a slight stoop. His head is shaved bald, but with a hint of hair starting to grow back. He's dressed in light clothing and aside from a backpack with a pot hanging from it, is otherwise bereft of gear.
<Meridius> Garum is a sauce made from what basically amounts to rotted fish. It's the sauce that would eventually become Worcestershire Sauce.
* Meridius can afford to put garum on his meals as appropriate.
<Bruce> Oh, right, thanks. Garon makes his own. Rotted fish are easy to come by - a lot of salmon and trout go up the cataracts.
* Meridius, like his player, appreciates good food, and doesn't get enough of that sort eating at mess with his century.
<11: Karnak> I'm guessing the idea of fighting monasteries isn't a secret?
<Bruce> (And thanks, Jason. Character descriptions all around would be in order here.)
<11: Bruce> Nope. They're mysterious in detail, but everyone knows they're there. Just, you know, somewhere else. Urban-legend distance.
* The door of the tavern opens, and a small figure in a hooded cloak, not much over five feet tall, clumps in. The cloak bulges in back, indicating that the person beneath it is either a hunchback or trying to keep her pack dry. Once fully inside, the figure stops, and a pair of small, pale hands that don't look particularly accustomed to manual labor emerge, as this person stands up a little straighter and starts to push her hood back. [Silana]
* Liatus looks like ObiWan from AotC, right down to the beard, and is dressed stylishly (although in last year's fashions). Sitting at one of the better tables, enjoying a dish of smoked salmon and one of the local vintages.
<Bruce> Garon bustles over to help the new arrival stow her pack and see if she wants anything hot to eat or drink.
* Meridius is 6'1", 200 lbs., with grey eyes and salt & pepper hair, only 24 years old, but looks older. (His military service shows.) He's big, gruff, with a no nonsense attitude. You'll rarely ever see him not wearing his lorica squamata with rank insignia indicating he's an immunes and optio with his (as-yet-unnamed) century.
* Liatus decides that, yes, he does know Meridius from his time here, and invites him over to share a table.
<Bruce> A half-elf woman standing near the fireplace has a constable's badge on her jacket and keeps a close watch on folks coming in. But whatever it is she's looking for, none of the characters set it off, and she smiles to each as they settle down. She's mostly talking with an older man at a nearby table.
* Meridius joins Liatus, offering a bow to the priest before taking a bench.
* Meridius may or may not know the constable as Bruce sees fit.
<Karnak> Since Meridius appears loose with his money, Karnak will take a chance on his generousity and approach him and Liatus. He's wiping at his nose, which seems to be dripping a little, and shivering a bit from the wet.
<Bruce> Meridius does; I'll whisper a couple of details.
<11: Karnak> Sounds good to me. I was figuring they were the place "problem children" were sent to. :)
*Bruce* The constable is Felosial, a very competent warrior. She has ambitions of getting to someplace bigger, and may well make it.
<11: Bruce> :)
<11: Meridius> I really need to make change. :)
<Liatus> "Sit down, Meridus. The salmon is in fine form today. Sadly, the local vintage is an insult to any cultured palate. I've passed water with a fruitier aroma."
<Bruce> Garon is just approaching with a platter full of drinks, and coughs politely while looming behind Liatus.
<Meridius> Remind me to join you next time you piss. ;~)
<Meridius> The aroma is not so laden with fruit in my century.
* As it falls back (adding another spatter of rainwater to the floor behind her), the small figure's hood reveals a young, rather pretty face, framed by somewhat damp-looking coppery-red hair. The girl looks to be in her mid-to-late teens, and her pale green eyes sweep the interior of the room, taking quick stock of its inhabitants. She offers a grateful half-smile to the innkeeper, and allows him to help her with her things. And as the cloak parts a bit more, there is a bit of a commotion from under it as a rather unhappy-looking small owl flutters out to land on a chairback and start to preen itself. [Silana]
* Meridius smiles at the recently en-hooded woman and winks at the owl.
* Karnak waits for his chance, "Excuse me, sirs, but might I join you? I hate to admit I'm lost, but I am and without friends."
<Liatus> "Oh, there you are, Garon. If you would, bring some more smoked salmon for my friend Meridius. And some of those delightful pickled eggs."
* Karnak licks his lips a bit, "Sounds wonderful."
<Bruce> The constable straightens up and steps over to Silena. "Welcome to Roburcollis, young lady. I hope you will find your stay a comfortable and rewarding one. I need only to tell you that it is our practice to hold the owners of pets, familiars, transmogrified companions, and the like responsible for any harm their animals inflict. I'm sure this cute thing will be no trouble, but take care if anything provokes it."
<Meridius> Liatus, shall I invite this fellow <gestures at the monk> to our table?
* Liatus is destracted by the half elf and waves his hand. "Yes, yes. Whatever catches your fancy, Meridius."
* Meridius gestures to the monk a second time. "Join us, please."
* Karnak sits, and places a gold piece on the table. "I can pay my way, I think. Thank you."
* Meridius is, for a split second, taken aback by the seemingly bedraggled monk putting a valuable coin on the table, but composes himself right away.
<Bruce> Garon sees the coin and smiles. Customers with cash excuse all manner of slights on the local goods.
<11: Meridius> Nothing says Thank You like cash. :)
* 11: Liatus sniffs. I told him I'd pay my tab when this month's stipend arives.
<11: Bruce> Indeed.
* Meridius tries to figure out if we're close enough to the fire for the monk to properly dry.
* Karnak seems unsure though, what to do about getting food or drink with the coin. "Will this be enough?"
<Bruce> Yes, you are.
* Silana looks up at the constable as she finishes hanging her wet cloak on a peg near the door, and nods quite seriously. "I shall take full responsibility, of course, but I assure you that Gnaea will be no trouble at all." The bird, on the other hand, turns its head in that unnervingly-excessive manner owls do, to peer at the half-elf with a momentary look of annoyance. Perhaps it doesn't like being called 'cute.' "Come, Gnaea," the girl says to the bird, which then hops onto the leather fastened around her mistress' right forearm.
<11: Liatus> Besides, I said the salmon was good. It's not *my* fault his neighbors can't make a decent merlot.
* Meridius says to Karnak "Uh, more than adequate..."
<Bruce> The constable nods back at Silana and steps back to her spot the fire, still watching the new arrivals even as she says, "So anyway, Kerowyn is off and rolling again about her poor last lambs, but I think..." and the rest fades into the background of conversation. (There are 20 or so people here, pretty much filling the inn. Rainy nights bring out the company.)
* Liatus raises his eyebrow at the coin. "Oh, yes. That will be quite adequate. I am Liatus. I don't think I caught your name?"
<Bruce> (Rainy afternoons, too.)
<11: Meridius> Anyone want to give a name to my century? I can't think of one. :/
<11: Bruce> I'll have to review the naming practices for centuries before offering some suggestions.
* Karnak seems to consider before answering, "I'm called Haru Karnak." He sighs. "Of the Lily Gilded Serenity Temple. Or was of."
* Meridius offers his hand to Karnak and says, "Meridius."
* Karnak gestures a wave towards Silana. "Would you like to join us? There's room and apparently more than enough to go around." He glances at Meridius hand... then tenatively takes it with the hand he waved with.
<Karnak> "So you won't take me back?" He looks back and forth at Meridius and Liatus.
* Meridius says under his breath, "I can see why you got kicked out of the monastery already, eh, Karnak?" <chuckle>
<Meridius> I have no reason to do such a thing. Certainly no orders...
* The young woman with the owl is wearing quite plain and ordinary, though well-made, clothing that was mostly spared from the rain by her cloak. A loose-fitting shirt in a pale cream color, buttoned up the front and with a turned-down collar that in another place and time would be called 'Mandarin', and a pair of comfortable breeches of milk-chocolate brown. She looks toward Karnak as he calls out to her, and smiles a bit. "Thank you, I would like that. It is good to be in where it is warm." She starts to head over toward the gathering. [Silana]
<11: Liatus> Is there anything I should know/roll to see if I know why I would want to "take him back"?
<11: Bruce> Not at this point, beyond the obvious "ah, he went AWOL'.
<Meridius> What say you, Liatus? Shall we haul this monk back to his home bodily or in shackles? <chuckles more and winks at Karnak>
<11: Silana> Soda time, Bruce.
<11: Bruce> Thanks!
* Karnak sighs a bit. "I wanted to find adventure. Instead I find mud and rain and unhappy people."
<11: Silana> And it's quite possible that by her speech, Silana might be picked out as a city person, and of the well-off classes, if it matters to anyone. :)
<Bruce> The locals in the inn are glancing at the new arrivals from time to time, clearly hopeing that something interesting is about to break out.
* Liatus raises his eyebrow. "Well, I can't say I go for some of the things you legionaires like to do for fun, but if it's how you'd like to spend a rainy afternoon."
<Meridius> Heh.
<Bruce> (It's all for the Imperial Presence, right? :)
* Meridius sets to his food if it's in front of him.
<11: Silana> Oh, oops. missed detail. Silana had a tall walking staff when she came in, which she left leaning against the wall by her cloak.
<Bruce> Garon bustles back over, bringing with him a high-backed stool for the owl to perch on, and asks, "Is there more I can bring any of you now? We're about to give the grill a cleaning before it catches on fire, but we've time for one more round of something."
* 11: Liatus explains, for thos ewondering what the hell I'm talking about: Having been distracted by Silana's appearance when Karnak showed up, I was at first under the impression that Meridius had come to the inn to pick up guys or something. Because, you know, you hear stories about what those legionaire types do when they aren't fighting.
<11: Bruce> It's fun to stay / with the XII Legion...
<11: Liatus> And yes, Liatus is a bit of a prat.
* 11: Meridius is not that kind of legionnaire.
* Liatus offers Karnak a pickled egg.
<11: Meridius> To be more specific, Meridius isn't Greek. :)
* Karnak will set to eating, the gold coin apparently forgotten.
* Meridius eats, but may want seconds after the grill is cleaned, assuming the inn doesn't burn down.
<Liatus> (where is Silana at this point?)
<Karnak> "You don't know about any adventure, do you?"
<11: Silana> Walking over to join you.
* Karnak clearly isn't sure what "adventure" is, but seems to think its desirable.
* Meridius looks up with a bit of bread sticking out of his mouth and grunts questioningly at Karnak.
* Silana hmmms, looking at Garon as he asks for orders. "What do you recommend, good sir?"
<Bruce> Silana should make a Spellcraft check, DC 12.
## Silana rolled 1d20 = 2 (2).
<Garon> The rain's brought out the best salmon, milady. The steaks and the chowder are both very good. [Bruce]
<11: Silana> Never mind. :)
<Bruce> Silana quietly fails to spot something. :)
* 11: Liatus also has Spellcraft. Or is this an Arcanist thign?
<Bruce> Gnaea settles in comfortably on its perch, surveying the whole room.
<11: Bruce> It's an arcane thing.
<Bruce> A couple of the locals promptly have some fun swaying back and forth quickly, watching the owl's head swivel back and forth.
<Liatus> "What a wonderful looking bird. Is he well trained?"
* Liatus offers the owl a small bit of smoked salmon.
<Karnak> "Adventure. I've heard it can be quite exciting."
<11: Bruce> Dan, I'll let you handle Gnaea's reactions, in general.
* Karnak eyes brighten a bit, "Dragons and damsels and legendary treasures."
* Karnak lowers his eyes and voice, "They had some scrolls at the Temple that described such things."
<Meridius> Scrolls you weren't supposed to see, I take it?
<Bruce> Garon looks at Silana's size and says, "I think that a good bowl of chowder would be the thing for you. If you want more later, we can always fix it up then."
* Silana hmmms. "A bit of chowder, then, and some bread, thank you?" Then to Liatus, she says with a bit more of a smile than she's shown since coming in, "She's better behaved than many people I've met." The bird quite happily accepts the bit of fish, snapping it up neatly without her beak touching Liatus' hand at all.
<Karnak> "There were no rules against reading the scrolls. Or against going into the room with the scrolls."
<Bruce> Garon heads off to the kitchen, returning quickly with the chowder and then going on to check on other customers.
<Karnak> "They were just not in with the rest of the scrolls."
<11: Meridius> Has the kitchen lit on fire yet?
<11: Bruce> No, not yet.
* Karnak seems to think the explains everything.
<Bruce> In the back, they're shutting down the big main oven and scraping off hte accumulated crud on the grill tops.
* Meridius is pleased to see they've beaten the fire to the punch, and returns to eating.
<Bruce> The main door starts to open, and then a sudden gust of wind bangs it the rest of the way open. A tall middle-aged woman comes in through it, snarls at the wind, and pulls the door shut. She hangs her cloak next to Silana's and goes over to stand by the fireplace. As she goes, she casts a suspicious gaze at the newcomers.
* Karnak looks back at the woman over the remnants of his devil'd egg.
<Bruce> She makes no apparent effort to lower her voice while asking the constable, "Any trouble from these strangers?"
* Liatus ignores the new woman and continues to flirt with Silana, giving her his best "my family is wealthy, well-bred and well-connected" smile. "I am Liatus, emesary of the Imperial Presence."
<Liatus> And who might you be, my dear?
* Meridius looks at the woman who just entered. (Do I know her?)
<Bruce> She straightens herself with what the clueful recognize as good training. "I am Kerowyn Hucrele, heir to the Hucrele mercantile interests and a patron of my community. I take an interest in the well-being of my people."
<Bruce> Anyone who was in town before today will recognize her as the owner of the best of the shops/trading posts in town.
<Meridius> (Then I recognize her.)
* Silana had taken one careful, experimental spoonful of her chowder, mindful of it possibly being too hot, then mmmmed in unexpected pleasure at the taste. She glances toward the door a bit startledly as the newcomer enters, but then turns back to politely answer Liatus: "I am Quintillia Silana, and this," gesturing to the owl, "is Gnaea. We are pleased to meet you."
* Meridius gives Hucrele a nod and goes back to eating.
<Liatus> "The pleasure is entirely mine, I assure you."
<Karnak> "And how are your people, Kerowyn Hucrele?"
<Bruce> Kerowyn's voice is so cold it nearly leaves visible frost trails. "Welcome to Roburcollis. I trust that whatever brings you here will not cause grief to those of us who choose to live in community rather than roam."
<11: Silana> A humble request, from someone used to years of MU*ing? Could people please put quotes around the things they say? It's throwing me a little to have to figure out you're speaking through context.
<11: Bruce> Sure, no problem.
* 11: Karnak is using "" for that reason. :)
* Liatus continues to ignore the shrew, concentraiting entirely on chatting up the halfelf.
<11: Silana> Who?
* Meridius appreciates Liatus' approach to matters.
<Bruce> Kerowyn looks for a moment like she might throw something at Karnak. "My people are _gone_, lured off in some hair-brained adventure by a clever stranger like yourself, and none here will stir themselves to do anything about it. But at least I can discourage anyone else from making the same mistake I did."
<Karnak> "Adventure?"
* Karnak half rises in excitement, then realizes he has no idea where to go, and sits.
<Bruce> The constable is pretty clearly amused by Liatus' efforts, but willing to keep talking to him. She whispers, "Try not to set Kerowyn off too much. Eventually she'll get over it, but..." She hears Karnak's question and sighs. "Never mind."
<11: Liatus> OK, I'm confused. I thought Silana was the halfelf.
<11: Bruce> Oh, well. :)
<11: Silana> <== Human. :)
<11: Bruce> If you're not trying to chat her up, she may whisper it as an aside anyway, hoping to forestall what's about to happen.
<Bruce> Kerowyn raises her voice even more. "Yes! Adventure! Some damnable outsider heard tales of ruins and mysteries and thought that he would go get rich! And he took three of ours with him, two of them my own flesh and blood. One full moon has come and gone, and they do not return, and the cowards here cannot even be bothered to go and search! Adventure!"
<11: Silana> I was wondering when he suddenly started talking to her instead of me. :)
* Meridius remains silent, waiting for Hucrele to expound upon her woes while cleaning his plate and, a touch later, himself, with a napkin.
<Liatus> (OK, to clarrify, I am flirting with Silana, and mostly ignoring the loudmouthed harpy woman.)
<Bruce> The constable bristles, and starts to say something a couple of times, but chokes on the words each time.
* Karnak stands, "I'll go look for them."
<Bruce> Kerowyn looks suspiciously at him. "Will you?"
<11: Karnak> I get the impression Liatus isn't particular about which woman he chats up. :)
<Karnak> "Yes."
* Meridius looks up at the now standing Karnak and facepalms.
* Silana isn't paying much attention to the loud woman, either -- She's had years of experience at ignoring self-important merchant types, including her father. After savoring another spoonful of chowder, she asks Liatus, "Have you been in this town long?"
<11: Liatus> Well, since I've been here in town for a few weeks, odds are I've done her already.
<11: Meridius> What time is it in game continuity?
<Bruce> Kerowyn pulls a locket out and opens it to show portraits of a young man and woman who look very much like her. "This is Talgen, my boy, and Sharwyn, my girl. Bring them back safely to me, and I will give you and any who aid you 250 gold pieces for each of my children. Bring me their signet rings and some definite word of their fate, and I will give you half that. And nevermore will I speak ill of strangers who seek adventure."
<11: Liatus> What was the name of the larger town this town is on the way to?
<11: Bruce> Late afternoon, a week or so short of midsummer.
<11: Bruce> I haven't actually named the big towns further downstream. Feel free to insert something.
* Karnak appears a little confused. "You offer me money to do this?"
* Karnak starts collecting his pack.
-> *Bruce* Do I need to apply for detached duty or shall we assume I'm already detached from my century for the nonce?
<Bruce> Kerowyn says, "I speak of reward. Good labor is always worth compensation."
*Bruce* Let's assume you're already detached - perhaps a season's leave after a hard campaign.
<11: Liatus> There was the first town you mentioned at the start. The bridge going there is washed out. But I can't find what you said because I can't scroll back that far.
* Meridius stands and faces Hucrele. "I will go as well, if only to see that this bedraggled monk doesn't get himself into trouble." :)
<11: Bruce> Roburcollis is the town you're in, and that's the only town in Cataractia that I've named. Sallacus is a big city a province or more over.
-> *Bruce* Cool.
<11: Liatus> Ah
* Karnak smiles, "Thank you, Meridius. Often in the scrolls they spoke of hale companions."
<11: Bruce> I would like to note here that Karnak keeps making me giggle. Good work.
* Meridius chuckles once more.
<Liatus> "Oh, only for a few weeks. I fear that the bridge being washed out has stranded me here and - did you say 250 gold pieces?"
<Bruce> The constable sighs. "Look, at least wait until daylight. This is not a good time to be roaming around the fields in the dark."
* Liatus is suddenly more interested in the shrew.
<Meridius> "That'll keep you in fine food and wine for a bit."
<Bruce> Kerowyn nods at Liatus. "I am not a poor woman, sir, and the preservation of my family matters to me."
<Karnak> "They've been missing for a month. Surely we don't want to leave them out there a day longer than neccessary?"
<Karnak> "Where ever 'there' might be?"
* Gnaea hops from her perch onto Silana's shoulder, and tugs at a lock of coppery hair with her beak. The girl might not be paying attention, but her familiar is -- and the bird is the wiser of the two, anyway. Silana looks up from her dinner, and starts listening a bit more. [Silana]
* Karnak shoulders his pack, and adjusts the large iron pot dangling from it.
<Bruce> The constable says, "You also don't want to end up dead in someone's field come morning. There's trouble out there, and more of it off toward the ruins that Kerowyn's kids and their friends were going to loot."
* Karnak also starts taking leftovers off the table, and dropping them in the pot.
<Karnak> "Which direction might that be?"
<Bruce> Kerowyn points due south. "There. Along the Old Road, next to the ash valley."
<Liatus> "Oh, yes, Karnak, you're right. Count me in. For the children, of course."
* Karnak mouths the words to himself. "Thank you also, Liatus. The more we have, the better our chance of returning, I feel."
<Meridius> "Let us take the constable's advice and wait 'til morning, though. We should see to provisions as well. Perhaps Garon might act as quartermaster in this regard..."
* 11: Liatus notes he can tone down the "annoying git" factor if needed.
<Bruce> Garon gestures at the inn's pantry. "I'm sure we can arrange something."
* Karnak looks at Kerowyn, "I would hate to keep this lady waiting longer than she already has for word of her family..."
<Meridius> "Very good."
<11: Bruce> I'm having fun with it, but if anyone else has an objection, that's cool. (Anyone who does can whisper privately if they'd prefer, too.)
* Silana is a little behind the curve on all this, but is trying to piece it together. Softly, she asks Liatus, "What's this about, some lost children?" The girl looks sincerely concerned, and a little troubled by the idea of kids being lost out in this weather.
<11: Karnak> It's fun, I think. :)
<Liatus> (quietly) "And perhaps Garon could see his way to forgiving my tab ...?"
<11: Karnak> You need one in the party, after all.
* Meridius snorts at Liatus.
<Karnak> "... I could go on a head, and you might follow in the morning? I've been sleeping outsi..." *cough cough* "... outside, and should be fine."
<Bruce> The constable looks cautiously at Karnak. "You've been sleeping outside your whole way here? I'm glad you're still in just one piece."
<Meridius> "I think inside will be better for your health in any number of ways, Karnak. Are we agreed on setting out early tomorrow, then, or must I find three sets of restraints?"
* Karnak looks again at Kerowyn, "Can you survive another night not knowing their fates?"
<Bruce> Kerowyn says, "I've survived a month. I can survive as long as it takes for someone to show proper responsibility."
<Liatus> "Yes, yes. Karnak needs a room for the night. You can put him in my room."
* Karnak makes a bow to Kerowyn, "The we shall find your kin tomorrow morning at first light."
<Bruce> Kerowyn bows back. "Let us hope your impulsiveness may serve where others;'--" another glare at the constable "--caution has not."
<Karnak> "Liatus, which is your room? I should get some rest before we set out. The sun may rise early tomorrow."
* Meridius slaps Karnak on the back and says, in good humor, "No earlier than usual."
<Bruce> It being nearly midsummer in high(ish) latitudes, the sun _will_ rise pretty early.
<Bruce> But as Meridius says. :)
<11: Bruce> The dramatic sunrise is in some other adventure. :)
* Karnak will make his way to Liatus room, then, and pass the rest of the night in meditation, sleep and snacking on the leftovers in his iron pot.
* Bruce laughs.
* Liatus also enjoys the leftover smoked salmon and pickled eggs that he made sure Karnak didn't take.
<Bruce> Characters who cast spells will want to ready spells for the next day,a nd anyone who wants more information about anything that's come up so far can ask questions of some suitable information source.
* Meridius makes arrangements with Garon for the necessary supplies, then goes to his room and carefully examines and prepares his equipment before retiring. "I bid you all Good Evening."
* 11: Liatus remarks, btw, that there really should be some sort of "Really Wealthy" feat for starting characters to take.
* Meridius is curious about what's got the constable so nervous.
<11: Karnak> Take a level of Noble.
* Liatus spends the evening (in between snacking) unpacking his armor and sword, and making sure they're in proper working order.
<Bruce> Constable Felosial explains. "For...what, a dozen years now, we've had more problems each year around midsummer and midwinter with someone prowling in the night. We've never had a good sighting of whoever it is, but we find cattle and even people who were out alone, dead, skewered again and again by big thorns."
* Karnak hopes someone will recruit Silana during the evening?
<Felosial> "It's probably some goblin or something like that with a mace with thorns in it, but we don't really have any clues." [Bruce]
<Bruce> She adds, glaring back at Kerowyn, "And we _have_ searched hard for it."
* 11: Meridius thinks that if Karnak wants to be the Cruise Director for this trip, he can do the recruiting. :)
* Silana settles back down to finish her dinner, nodding politely to those she's not really met yet as they retire. To Liatus, she asks quietly, "Have you heard tell of these things she's talking about?"
<11: Silana> Far as I know, Liatus and I are still in the common room?
<11: Bruce> Right. This is one of those "we'll take the time we need to get the rest done, and can back up if I rush ahead prematurely".
<11: Meridius> Meridius departs for organizational and sleep purposes as soon as he gets additional info from the constable.
<Liatus> "This is the first I've heard of it, my dear. Would you care to join us in the morning? It sounds like a delightfully enjoyable outing."
<Bruce> Felosial also points at a nicely drawn map of the area on one wall of the inn. A path runs from Roburcollis south to join up with the Old Road, and then west from there to the ash valley and the ruins.
<11: Liatus> Yes, marvel at my smooth recruitment skillz.
<11: Karnak> I think if Karnak is the cruise director, we may have some problems. :)
<11: Liatus> I think Meridius is clearly the brains of this outfit.
<11: Meridius> :)
<Liatus> "Where will you be staying tonight, my dear?"
* 11: Meridius and the Three Stooges - A Bruce Baugh Production [Liatus]
<Bruce> Kerowyn also describes her "children" some more. From the sounds of it, Talgen and Sharywn were both adults, but not settled into a career. They were interested in doing something other than the family store. They and their local friend Karakas fell into conversation with a stranger on his way through town, and they all worked each other up with tales of treasure and glory. Off they wetn, and then didn't come back.
* Silana frowns. "'Enjoyable' or not, it sounds like something that needs doing. We will help, in whatever small way we can." 'We'? No, she's not being imperious about it, she's including the bird. "I shall need to get a room here, I suppose."
<Liatus> "By all means, my lady, I invite you to share my humble abode for the evening."
<11: Silana> All the more reason for me to help. They're not terribly different from me. :)
<11: Meridius> Liatus' room: Three's A Crowd?
<11: Liatus> Not after Karnak moves out into the hall. :)
<11: Liatus> (Mr. Smooth I aint.)
<11: Bruce> First person to say "nyuk nyuk" in this context loses all XP for the session. :)
<11: Meridius> I'll have to do a kindness, then, and take poor Karnak in.
<Bruce> By the way, if anyone wants to play out an explanation to Silana, I would a) be amused and b) want to go look up a small XP bonus for it later.
* Silana blinks a bit, taken aback by Liatus' offer, though not to the point of being angered or too terribly embarrassed by it -- In her weeks of traveling, she's had more than a few propositions, and many of them phrased not nearly so politely as this one. "Um, that is kind of you, but quite unnecessary..."
<11: Karnak> Karnak's already snoozing on the bed, thank you.
* Liatus flashes the same "I'm wealthy and well connected so you can trust me" smile from before. "Are you sure, my dear. It would be an excellent opertunity to discuss your travels, as well as our plans for rescuing those poor unfortunate youths from whatever misfortune has befallen them"
* Bruce laughs, and will give you a couple more exchanges before moving on to the next day. :)
<11: Liatus> I guess rolling my Diplomancy skill would be inappropriate.
<11: Liatus> Explanation for what, btw?
-> *Bruce* Insofar as the whole quartermaster thing goes, I'm working with Garon to get sufficient food for four for x number of days away where x is some appropriate judgment call. I'll also try to make sure that folks have clothing and gear appropriate for the climate.
*Bruce* We'll call it four days to be on the safe side.
<11: Bruce> The missing kids and all.
<11: Bruce> You could make a Diplomacy roll. Silana would at least get a Will save. :)
* Silana . o O ( Well, perhaps he didn't mean anything like that... ) "Well...," Silana says quietly as she considers her choices. From her perch, Gnaea gives Liatus a warning look.
<11: Karnak> Silana I think missed much of the discussion, being stunned by your smile?
<Bruce> Score one for the owl.
<11: Silana> No, I've caught up ICly with the situation with the missing persons, I just missed the first part of it. :)
<11: Bruce> Gotcha.
* 11: Liatus rolls 1d20+8 for Diplomancy, yes? (4 ranks, plus skill focus, plus Cha bonus)?
<11: Bruce> Correct.
## 11: Liatus rolled 1d20+8 = 19 (11).
<11: Bruce> Silana rolls 1d20 +4 (+2 Will, +2 situational modifier for recognizing BS when she sees it)
## Silana rolled 1d20+4 = 6 (2).
<11: Bruce> Geez, Dan, the dice aren't with you, are they?
<11: Silana> Can the bird roll? She has a better WIS modifier! :)
<11: Liatus> He was just overcome by my stunning good looks can charm :)
<11: Bruce> I was going to say, yes, +6 roll for the owl.
## Silana rolled 1d20+6 = 12 (6).
* 11: Silana facepalms.
<11: Bruce> Liatus doesn't get any insta-nookie out of this but he has pretty well bedazzled Silana anyhow. Reservoir of trust and good will, there.
<11: Silana> Maybe I'll someday roll in the double-digits? :)
<Bruce> Okay, any other odds and ends? Meridius has spoken with Garon about getting a few days' food and water, and Kerowyn can see about proper clothing for anyone who's in need.
* Liatus smiles some more and offers the bird a little more smoked fish.
<11: Silana> Hey, he's trying to bribe my familiar!
<11: Bruce> And Gnaea's takin' it. :)
<11: Gnaea> . o O ( I like this man. You have my permission to nest with him. ) [Silana]
<11: Silana> Hey!
* 11: Bruce laughs.
<Karnak> Karnak's going to try and be up first thing in the morning, ready to go.
<Bruce> I'm assuming for sanity's sake that everyone does eventually get some rest.
* Meridius knows all about the need for rest, and gets as much as is available.
* 11: Liatus refrains from petting the owl and cooing "Who's a pretty bird. Yes, you's a pretty bird, yes you are."
* Silana finally does accept the offer of a place to sleep. Liatus made one miscalculation, though. Owls are rather nocturnal. *Perch* *Watch/glare/watch*
<Bruce> :)
<11: Chris> I just finished reading Steven Brust's ISSOLA and I keep expecting Silana to say, "Shut up, Loiosh." :) [Meridius]
* Liatus is annoyed to find Karnak already dead asleep on my bead, and after poking the monk a few times, gives up, roles his eyes and asks which side of the floor Silana wants.
* Silana takes the side with the best place for Gnaea to keep watch from, of course. :)
<Bruce> :)
<Silana> And by morning, that particular room has no mouse problem.
<Bruce> Indeed.
<Bruce> Okay, moving along to the next morning...
<Karnak> In the morning, Karnak will part with another of his gold coins to equip himself with food for the day, a pair of torches and some cheap wine for his waterflask.
<Bruce> Meridius has already made arrangements, Garon says, but the innkeeper will take your coin anyway if you insist.
<Karnak> I'm assuming Meridius has made arrangements for useful stuff. :)
-> *Bruce* One other thing about the quartermastery: I try to arrange it so our employer pays for supplies.
<Karnak> Then Karnak will go outside the inn, and spend the time waiting looking southwards.
* Liatus , in one of his rare moments of devoutness (in spite of everything else, I still take my faith in the Emperor adn the Imperial Presence seriously), spends the time between dressing and breakfast praying to the Presence to bless this venture and help its servant keep its loyal subjects safe from the enemies of the empire.
-> *Bruce* If this doesn't work out, I'll cover it.
*Bruce* Kerowyn is willing to give you an advance on the reward for demonstrable necessities.
<11: Karnak> Note, Liatus has to decide on what time of the day he recovers his spells.
* Having saved the cost of a room, Silana indulges herself with a hot bath in the morning, feeling the need for one after yesterday's yuckiness, and certain that she's not going to have another chance at one for a few days. Gnaea perches on the edge of the tub and preens, while keeping watch to make sure nobody intrudes. :) [Silana]
<11: Liatus> That would be morning, just before breakfast.
* 11: Karnak nods, "You only get them back once every 24 hours.
<Bruce> Folks get a decent breakfast, too. The rain has let up some - it's drizzly rather than pelting.
* Karnak will patiently endure the drizzle, waiting for his boon companions to stir themselves enough to join him.
<11: Bruce> Karnak lives in a world with panel borders and word balloons, doesn't he? :)
* Meridius is up at dawn and makes final checks on provisions and what not, and eventually ends up outside the front of the in with three packs, handing one to Karnak. (I recall that Silana has her own pack already. Here's hoping it has a bit of room.)
<11: Karnak> He wants to. ;)
<Liatus> What's available for breakfast?
* Karnak also has his own pack. :) With a 10lb iron pot hanging off it.
<Bruce> Oatmeal, or salmon omelette.
<Karnak> "Thank you Meridius." And with that, Karnak will lash this new pack to his existing pack.
* 11: Meridius looks up at the word balloons that keep appearing over Karnak's head and exclaims, "It's some dread lingual apparition!"
* Liatus enjoys the omelette, and some bread.
* Meridius has some of both kinds of breakfast, fortifying himself mightily.
<Meridius> "Eat up, lads. It's hardtack and salt pork for the next few days, I'll wager."
* Silana looks well-rested and refreshed and generally in better spirits than yesterday -- It's amazing what a touch of civilization, in the form of a good night's sleep and a hot bath can do. She comes into the common room, her hair still a bit damp, and orders oatmeal for herself and some fish for Gnaea. "Good morning," she says cheerily to Liatus. "Did you sleep well?"
* Karnak will also pace back and forth in the mud, obviously eager to be on the adventure. It seems he skipped breakfast.
* Meridius sees that Karnak comes inside and eats well before setting out. "We'll have none of that ascetic nonsense right now."
<Karnak> "But... but... but..."
* Liatus makes sure to pack some bread, cheese, and salted fish.
* Meridius notes that the party is provisioned with better fare than just hardtack and salt pork, but even a soldier must engage in a bit of theatrics now and then. :)
* Liatus also preens a little in his shiney armor.
<Bruce> Constable Felosial is up to see you off, and looks a little bemused at some of the differing ideas about preparation. She does remark to Meridius, "You're leaving in better order than the Hucreles."
* Meridius' armor is well-kept, but has seen hard use.
* Meridius snorts at Liatus' preening.
<11: Silana> Luckily for Liatus, Gnaea is smarter than some birds, who would try to attack their own reflection. ;)
<Meridius> "The Hucreles didn't recruit me for their journey."
<11: Bruce> Gnaea is for the same reason smarter than many Usenetters.
<Karnak> "We should hurry, before we lose the best part of the day."
<Meridius> "At any rate, we'll bring them, or proof of their deaths, back."
<Meridius> "The best part of the day is still ahead."
* Karnak pauses, "Do you think they might really be dead?"
<11: Silana> Well, yes. She smartly keeps the feathers on the OUTSIDE of her head.
<Bruce> Felosial nods. "I hope you find them. And if someone did kill them, make them regret it."
* Meridius nods meaningfully at Felosial.
* Meridius says to Karnak, "It's a possibility, but no certainty. We'll know soon enough."
-> *Bruce* Do I know if the Hucreles and whoever they went with are worth a damn in combat?
<11: Karnak> I admit to seeing George Clooney (circa PEACEKEEPER) in the role of Meridius.
* Silana draws herself up to her full height (whcih isn't saying much), and nods solemnly to the constable. "We shall do our best, ma'am."
*Bruce* No, you don't. Felosial wouldn't commit herself to an answer, and Kerowyn is not terribly useful on the subject.
<11: Meridius> A perfectly good image. :)
<Bruce> Any other business before we head out of town?
-> *Bruce* Then I won't attempt to elaborate and the likelihood of their survival. :)
<11: Karnak> What's in the pack, btw? More food?
<Meridius> (I think all is in order.)
* 11: Karnak has to watch weight for encumbrance reasons.
<11: Meridius> Food and whatever gear is appropriate, if the characters don't already have the gear angle covered.
<11: Meridius> Prolly want to take that up with Bruce. I'm operating on generalities rather than details in this instance (OOC-speaking).
* 11: Karnak figures then that its a flint and steel, two days food, and a pair of torches, say?
<11: Bruce> Jason can weigh in with anything I'm forgetting...three torches or one lamp and three flasks of oil for it, rope, firemaking gear...yeah.
<11: Meridius> Four days worth of food.
* Liatus is good to go.
<11: Meridius> I might end up in medium encumbrance by the time all is put together, but I figure that unslinging a backpack before combat is a sensible thing to do, too.
<11: Bruce> Some bandages, too, just in case there are wounded people to tend.
<11: Karnak> Okay, I'm slowed down carrying all that stuff.
<11: Meridius> If you can keep up with the pace Meridius sets, you're fine. :)
* Karnak is raring to go.
<11: Bruce> I'm amenable to shuffling gear around so that those who need not to go over light encumbrance don't, too.
<11: Karnak> Well, I'll just drop the pack at the start of any fight.
* 11: Bruce nods.
* Silana checks her pack once again, after repacking her bedroll, and re-rigs her things for possible trouble, instead of slogging through the rain. Meaning that her crossbow is now set up and slung on a shoulder strap, a case of bolts is at the ready, and her halfspear is strapped to the side of her pack.
<Bruce> All right, then.
* 11: Liatus has his own pack with what's listed on his character sheet, plus whatever food Meridius packed and any other food I swiped.
* Meridius /suggests/ a marching order of Meridius, followed by Karnak, then Silana, with Liatus bringing up the rear. Silana may have Gnaea act as she sees fit, of course.
<11: Meridius> It's D&D, so we have to have a marching order. :)
<11: Liatus> Good idea. You go first.
<11: Liatus> :)
<Karnak> I suspect Meridius will be a terrible scout, but Karnak says nothing.
* Liatus has no objections to that.
* Meridius thinks that if we need a scout, then he'll order Karnak ahead.
<Bruce> The road south out of Roburcollis is really pretty much a cow path, with occasional braces in tricky spots. It goes down the south side of the ridge that town is on, across a marshy valley, up the next ridge and across the next valley. There's the Old Road, stilli n good shape apart from a couple centuries' neglect, and you haven't seen anyone else int he area. A few farmers far off in their own fields, and that's about it.
<Bruce> The universe now comes to a brief halt while the demiurge takes a bathroom break.
* Karnak thinks he'll make a terrible scout, and suggests we rely on the owl? :)
<11: Karnak> So OOC discussion. To detect ambushes, we're relying on Spot and Listen rolls. That's likely Silana's strength.
<11: Karnak> She's got the +2 Spot, +2 more for the owl. And the owl's got +6, and the empathic link.
<11: Karnak> And the owl's an amazing +14 on listens.
<11: Meridius> But I'd say due to the empathic link, that obviates the necessity of having Silana up front. Just have Gnaea fly around and observe.
<11: Karnak> I suggest that, unless otherwise noted, we're all assumed to be taking 10 on the spot/listen checks. This speeds things up.
<11: Meridius> I'm up front because if something goes wrong, you want it to hit me first. :)
<11: Karnak> (and if Bruce feels we're not paying attention, he can ding us with the -5 mod for inattention)
* 11: Bruce chuckles.
* 11: Meridius' head is on a swivel.
<11: Bruce> Looks like good advice all around to me.
* 11: Liatus nods
<11: Karnak> So in general, our opposition has to make a DC16 Hide check and a DC24 Move silently check to avoid our owl.
<Bruce> It's a couple of hours to the Old Road, and then another couple of hours along it. As you come around a bend, you can see just why the ash valley has its name; the whole thing is burned over and not regrowing. Only old charred stumps stick out of it. A ravine runs more or less north-south through it, and cuts across the Old Road.
<11: Meridius> For the time being I'm keeping my hands free, with gear slung upon my back or wherever else is appropriate.
<11: Supervillain> Get me that owl! [Bruce]
<11: Meridius> When we reach the ash valley, I'll rearrange so as to have one of my two pilum in my right hand, and my shield on my left.
* Karnak spends the hours gazing intently about, noting everything and showing no signs of boredom or disinterest. At various points, he'll ask trivial questions ("You think that stump was a birch?" "Hey, how many birds you think flew over in the last while?", etc.)
* 11: Meridius goes into excruciating detail as to his disposition. :)
<Bruce> There's a lot for Karnak to see. :)
<Karnak> "I wonder why this valley is all burned down?"
* Meridius tunes Karnak out, for the most part.
<Meridius> (Helmets are good for that sort of thing. :) )
<Karnak> "That's some road." "Boy, that ravine's going to be hard to cross." "Are we there yet?"
<11: Dash O'Pepper> It's some guy in a helmet! [Meridius]
* Silana looks about curiously at the burned-out valley, finding it a little unsettling.
<Bruce> The ravine itself is maybe thirty feet wide for most of its length, flaring out to forty feet in the vicinity of the road. Rough-hewn stone pillars flank the road on both sides of the ravine.
<Karnak> "I guess this is why they made a new road, huh?"
* Meridius answers Karnak's question about the burned up valley. "There's a tale about a dragon having once inhabited these parts. Mayhap this is its handywork."
<Bruce> If you stoop to examine the ash, you'll find several inches of a very, very fine dusty ashy, which clings together in an almost fluid fashion. Every little gust of wind sends it eddying again, while rain seems to sluice through it and run off.
<Liatus> "A dragon?"
<Meridius> "Been a 100-or-more years ago since the dragon was sighted, or so I'm told."
<Liatus> "Meridius, perhaps this story of a dragon is something you could have mentioned last evening, yes?"
<Meridius> "It's naught to worry over, I think. No dragon has been sighted here in our lifetimes."
* Silana looks almost disappointed to hear that the dragon is apparently long gone. "I have never seen such a thing," she muses aloud.
<Meridius> "And surely I can count on your blessing to protect me from any dragon's wrath, eh, Liatus?" <winks>
<Liatus> "Yes, and just how many people have traveled this road in our lifetimes?"
<Meridius> "I don't know."
<Bruce> There is a single sign of recent activity in the midst of all this, by the way: a rope knotted around one of the pillars on this side of the ravine, dangling off into darkness.
<Karnak> "Hey, look! A rope!"
<Bruce> Anyone hear read Dwarven?
* Karnak heads over to examine the rope.
* Meridius does.
<Bruce> Here, that is.
<Bruce> Anyone else?
<Liatus> Not I.
<Liatus> (I think mine is Draconic, Common and ... something else. Elvish, IIRC)
*Bruce* The marks carved into the pillars are very, very bad dwarvish, and also some language you don't recognize, saying GO AWAY and TRESPASSERS DIE and like that.
<Liatus> Or just Draconic and Common)
-> *Bruce* Can I make a guess as to the other language?
*Bruce* Remind me what you know, and we'll set a difficulty.
* Meridius examines the marks on the pillars.
-> *Bruce* Just Common and Dwarven. INT 13.
<Bruce> Peering over the brink, you can see that the ravine goes more or less straight down on this side - there's a ledge every 25 feet or so, iwth crude hand-holds carved into the rocks. The rope reaches down to the second of these. The bottom's too far down to make out. The far side slopes away steeply, and you can't see where it goes.
*Bruce* Roll 1d20 + your Int bonus against DC 15.
## Meridius rolled 1d20+1 = 7 (6).
* Silana looks out over the abyss. "This isn't good..."
*Bruce* Sorry, no clue about the rest.
* Meridius mutters, "Stercus!" under his breath.
<Bruce> The rope is pretty fresh - anyone with experience in outdoors matters will know that it can't have been up for more than a few weeks.
<Bruce> Search rolls, DC 13.
<11: Liatus> what do we roll?
<Meridius> "I can read the Dwarven. <points at it> It says 'GO AWAY' and 'TRESPASSERS DIE'. I can't read the other markings. I would speculate that the Dwarven wasn't written by Dwarves, though."
<11: Bruce> 1d20 + your Search skill. That's +2, for you.
## Meridius rolled 1d20+1 = 17 (16).
## Liatus rolled 1d20+2 = 13 (11).
<Meridius> (My Search roll was much better than my Get The Lingo roll. :) )
## Silana rolled 1d20+1 = 18 (17).
<Bruce> So far everyone but Karnak has made it. Will our heroic monk make it?
## Karnak rolled 1d20+1 = 12 (11).
* 11: Karnak is updating the webpage, sorry.
<Bruce> Karnak is too busy having an adventure to notice what everyone else does: there are quite a few small campfire remains in the area, well concealed under the ash. Some seem recent - like from weeks or months ago - others many years old. Thre are small arrowheads in some of them, of a style that goes with small predatory races like goblins and kobolds.
<11: Karnak> So Liatus speaks what two languages other than Common?
<Meridius> Does Karnak make anything of the rope other than it's usage? Like who might've made it?
<11: Karnak> And I need Silana's languages too, don't have them handy right now.
* Liatus carefully attempts to peer down into the ravine.
<Bruce> Karnak could make a Profession (Beggar) check at DC 12 to compare this rope to the ones you've got with you.
<11: Silana> Common and Elvish.
<Karnak> "I bet they used this rope to go down into the ravine!"
## Karnak rolled 1d20+3 = 5 (2).
<Bruce> Karnak really is on a roll.
<Karnak> "I don't know, it doesn't -look- like the same kind of rope."
* Karnak begins adjusting his pack, tightening the straps. "I'll go down and see if I can find any sign of them at the bottom."
* Meridius examines the rope in an attempt to discern who might've made it.
<Meridius> "Hold a moment, Karnak."
<Bruce> Meridius can make an Int roll, DC 14.
## Meridius rolled 1d20+1 = 18 (17).
<Bruce> Man.
* 11: Karnak holds up to check the Climb rules... rope with wall to brace against, DC5... hmm.
*Bruce* You recognize this knotting - the ropes are secured the same way that people in Roburcollis tie up things, with a knot that's sort of a modification of a naval style.
<11: Karnak> Okay, added an 'interaction planner' to the webpage.
<11: Karnak> So we have diplomacy, bluff, intimidate, gather info and such up with languages.
* 11: Karnak will update with Liatus once I know his.
<Silana> "Um, is it smart to trust a rope someone just left here?"
<11: Bruce> Excellent! Thank you. There'll be a bonus in there. :)
<11: Liatus> See, Meridius really is the brains of the group.
<Karnak> "Why wouldn't it be?"
* Karnak reaches down and tugs on the rope.
<11: Liatus> Jason, I remember Draconic. If I speack another, I think it was Elvish.
<Meridius> "I'll wager this rope was used by the Hucreles. The securing is largely Roburcollis style, with some knotting that's of a naval sort. Probably the man who escorted the Hucreles"
<Bruce> The rope holds with very little slippage. It was knotted in ways that make it hard to wear loose even when very wet.
<11: Karnak> BTW, I'll note that we're a very charismatic bunch for adventurers. :)
<Meridius> "It'll hold any of us just fine."
<11: Meridius> I'll try to play up the George Clooney thing a bit more to fit with that, Jason. :)
<Karnak> "Can I go down now?"
* Karnak gives the rope another tug, and looks down into the ravine.
<Bruce> You can make your way down the handholds to the first ledge, after which crude stairs lead on down, or take the rope directly to the second ledge. Still not much clue what lies beyond there, as it's all dark and stuff.
<Meridius> "I'll go first. Follow in the order we've been travelling."
* Karnak sighs, "Alright."
* Meridius re-rigs himself to get hands free again, and gets to descending.
<Karnak> "Hey, maybe the owl... um, Gnaea? can do a quick swoop down and stuff?"
* Karnak peers over into the ravine, "It's pretty dark down there and all."
* Meridius nods to Silana before starting his descent, indicating such a thing would be considered favorable if she's for it.
## Bruce rolled 1d20+11 = 18 (7).
<11: Meridius> Thank Mars for good bonuses. :)
<11: Karnak> +11? woo.
<Bruce> Gnaea can make Search and Listen rolls with a DC of 18, if Silana is so inclined.
* 11: Karnak is rusty on climb, since my D&D group all have slipper of spider climb.
* Silana looks up at the bird, where she's perched atop her staff. "Go take a look, Gnaea," she says, and the owl flaps off to scout below.
<11: Meridius> Another reason for me to go first, I've got a -3 on my Climb check. No one wants me to fall on top of them. :)
<Bruce> Gnaea turns, banks, and scouts...
## Silana rolled 1d20 = 20 (20).
<11: Karnak> It might take a lot of climb checks to get down.
<11: Meridius> BADABING!
<11: Silana> That's search. Now listen:
## Silana rolled 1d20+14 = 19 (5).
<Bruce> Dan, roll Spot again, just to see if it's a critical.
<11: Karnak> No crits on skill checks, normally, bruce.
<11: Bruce> I know, I'm just curious.
<11: Karnak> And no autosuccess/autofails, either. Ah, okay.
<11: Silana> Oh, if that's spot, she gets another +6.
<11: Bruce> Yup.
## Silana rolled 1d20+6 = 8 (2).
<Bruce> Ah, well. :)
<11: Karnak> (the owl's a -2 on search)
<Bruce> Still, Gnaea's found something. She's circling up and down over the rubble at one end of the first ledge.
* 11: Karnak thinks, "Let's see. We get to go 10' with a successful climb check. If we blow the roll by 5 or more, we fall.
<11: Silana> What's the -2 from? HeroForge has her at +0.
* Karnak tries to follow Gnaea's progress from the top of the ravine, "She's circling. Is that good?"
<11: Karnak> -2 from Int. Hero forge doesn't both calcing the skills she doesn't come with, I noticed.
<Silana> "She's seen something! Rats, big ones!"
<Karnak> "Rats?"
* Karnak sounds disappointed.
* Meridius makes his way down the rope. Once down, he'll kill some rats.
* 11: Silana looks at the sheet. "You're right. It didn't apply the Int modifier."
<Liatus> "Um, how big?"
<11: Karnak> The rope takes us down to the 2nd ledge, by passing the first, right?
<11: Bruce> Correct.
<11: Karnak> So we'd avoid the rats... does the rope let us brace against the wall, BTW, or is it free hanging?
<Karnak> "Rat sized, I bet."
<11: Bruce> It'll let you brace against the wall.
* Karnak holds up his hands about 6" apart, "We had some this big in the temple, once."
* Meridius makes his way down the rope, and doesn't kill any rats along the way unless they bother him.
<Bruce> It takes five Climb rolls at DC 5 to avoid falling.
* Karnak heads over to the rope, to follow Meridius down.
<Meridius> "Don't come down until I'm finished descending."
<11: Karnak> I'll start down after Meridius makes his first roll (and has a 10' head start)
* Silana shakes her head. "She thought they were pretty big..."
* Karnak sighs again, and shakes his head in Meridius direction. "How big is big to your owl?" he says to Silana.
## Meridius rolled 1d20-3 = 3 (6).
<11: Karnak> Or not. :)
<Liatus> Oops
<Meridius> "Stercus!"
<11: Karnak> Have to miss by 5 to fall, thank goodness. :)
<Liatus> "Meridius?"
<Meridius> "Climbing isn't my strong suit. Give me a moment. Karnak, stay where you are."
<Karnak> "Okay!"
<Bruce> Meridius fumbles around right at the lip of the ravine, but does not fall. Possibly one or two of the others help him regain his balance so he can climb again.
<11: Karnak> Is there any way I could Aid Meridius? Steady the rope for him, perhaps?
<11: Bruce> Hmm. Sure.
<Silana> "Bigger than her?"
<11: Karnak> (Aid would give him a +2 bonus to climb...)
<11: Meridius> 'Stercus' is the Latin for 'excrement', and I figure makes a good curse word for this purpose. :)
* Karnak bends over the rope to try and help.
<11: Bruce> Make a successful climb roll of your own, Karnak, and Meridius gets the +2.
## Karnak rolled 1d20 = 13 (13).
<Bruce> There we go! Now Meridius only has a -1 penalty.
<11: Karnak> It's DC10 usually to aid.
<11: Bruce> So it is. :)
<11: Bruce> Works in any event.
<Meridius> "Ah, good. Thanks, Karnak."
* Meridius resumes his descent.
## Meridius rolled 1d20-1 = 19 (20).
<Karnak> "Bigger than her? Meridius, the rats are bigger than the owl. Be careful."
<Meridius> "Aye."
<Bruce> That's one.
## Meridius rolled 1d20-1 = 11 (12).
<11: Karnak> Man, those are big rats.
<Bruce> And two.
## Meridius rolled 1d20-1 = 17 (18).
* Karnak watches Meridius descend into darkness.
## Meridius rolled 1d20-1 = 3 (4).
<Bruce> Meridius is now past the first ledge, but doesn't see the rats that Gnaea spotted.
<Meridius> "Damn."
<Bruce> Whoops, tangled up there a bit.
<11: Meridius> I take it a non-nasty failure is just rerolled?
<11: Meridius> With a pause for monkeying around?
<Karnak> "Sorry!" Karnak tries to hold the rope steady. "Wow. Big rats. I wonder where they came from?"
<11: Karnak> Yeah.
<11: Karnak> No progress if you fail.
* Silana looks around nervously, as Gnaea circles, swooping down to keep an eye on the progress.
<Meridius> "Pay attention to the rope. The rats can see to themselves."
<Meridius> (This'll be a reroll of roll 4, then.)
## Meridius rolled 1d20-1 = 15 (16).
<Bruce> _Now_ Meridius can see the rats. Three of them, more than two feet long, clambering out of the debris and heading on down the stairs to meet him at the next ledge.
<Meridius> (Roll 5)
* Karnak asides to Silana and Liatus, "You know, they never mentioned big rats in the scrolls."
## Meridius rolled 1d20-1 = 5 (6).
* Liatus begins looking around the burned area above the ravine, making sure we aren't about to be ambushed by whatever left the arrows.
<11: Karnak> Liatus is thinking!
<11: Karnak> So how much light is there 50' down the ravine on that ledge?
<Bruce> Meridius lands and is promptly jumped by the rats. Anyone else descending at this point?
<Meridius> "If you want to tangle with some rats, Karnak, feel free to join me now."
<Karnak> Well, if he's off the rope, I'll start down.
<11: Bruce> Not much. Twilight-ish conditions.
* Meridius draws his gladius and readies his shield.
<Liatus> Should I roll to see if I spot anything?
* 11: Karnak nods, "Do rats have darkvision or anything?"
<Bruce> Chris, roll 1d20 + your Initiative. (Yes, Liatus can roll DC10 to notice anything out of the ordinary up on top.)
<11: Karnak> And if you want, I'll keep track of initiative, Bruce.
## Meridius rolled 1d20 = 15 (15).
<Liatus> (any mods?)
<11: Bruce> Thanks, Jason, much appreciated.
<Meridius> (Init = 15)
<11: Bruce> Whatever your Spot skill is.
<11: Karnak> Need a init roll for the rats.
## Bruce rolled 1d20+3 = 9 (6).
<Bruce> Damn, slow rats.
<11: Meridius> My sword is quick.
<11: Liatus> They must be Rodents of Unusual Size
<Bruce> Okay, Chris, your attack roll is +3 against AC 15.
<11: Karnak> Round 1: Meridius acts first.
<11: Meridius> In a moment they'll be Rodents With Odd Parts In Their Skulls.
## Liatus rolled 1d20 = 9 (9).
* Meridius thrusts at the nearest rat.
<11: Bruce> Liatus does not find any signs of recent activity apart from the party.
## Meridius rolled 1d20+3 = 10 (7).
<11: Bruce> "Recent" meaning "less than a month".
<Bruce> Meridius does not hit the rat.
<Bruce> Karnak can, I believe, make two move actions and therefore two climb rolls while this is going on, by the way.
<11: Karnak> Note: In moderate darkness, there's a 10% concealment.
<Karnak> Actually, we should probably all do init rolls.
<Bruce> Yeah, good idea, actually. It'll save doing it later.
<11: Karnak> I can do 2 climb rolls in a round, taking -5 on both.
## Karnak rolled 1d20+2 = 19 (17).
<Bruce> Karnak, Silana, and Liatus, each roll 1d20 + your Initiative bonus.
<Karnak> So before Meridius did his attack, I was over the edge and climbing down.
## Karnak rolled 1d20 = 7 (7).
<11: Karnak> Which I won't do, cause I'm not a rogue. :)
## Silana rolled 1d20+2 = 21 (19).
<Bruce> Geez.
<11: Karnak> She's fast!
<Bruce> Welcome to the Party Of Fast People.
## Liatus rolled 1d20+1 = 10 (9).
## Silana rolled 1d20+3 = 16 (13).
<11: Silana> That last one's Gnaea. :)
<11: Silana> How well can we see from up here?
<11: Bruce> Okay. It's dim, but you can make out the general shape of things.
* 11: Meridius is disturbed that rats have nearly as good an AC as he does.
<11: Karnak> Silana was first, yes. Karnak's done his climb, Meridius his attack.
<11: Karnak> (rats are very quick and small, so lots of size and dex mods)
<Bruce> Okay, let's back up a sec.
<11: Meridius> Aye.
<Bruce> Silana can take a shot at one of the rats, if she wants. There's a slight miss chance because of the dimness, but the line of sight's pretty clear - she is not risking plugging Karnak or Meridius in any meaningful way.
<11: Karnak> And they use scent, instead of sight, for targetting I think. So the darkness doesn't bother them.
* Silana peers over the edge, taking aim with her crossbow, and fires at a rat.
<Bruce> That would be an attack at +2 against the rats' AC of 15, with a 10% chance that an otherwise successful hit misses.
## Silana rolled 1d20+2 = 13 (11).
<11: Karnak> (Silana can shoot before Meridius advances into combat with the rats. Bruce, note that the rats would be flat-footed, BTW, since they haven't acted yet, so get no DEX to armor.
<11: Liatus> Is Meridius taking any negative modifiers because of the low light?
<11: Karnak> 10% miss chance.
* Silana misses.
<11: Bruce> I figured that the rats started acting when Meridius passed them on the way down.
<11: Meridius> A 10% miss chance would be a -2 to the roll?
* 11: Karnak nods, "By the rules, until you roll for initiative though, it doesn't count, for flat-footed purposes.
<11: Liatus> And Meridius is standing on a ledge, yes?
<11: Bruce> The attacker rolls as normal, Chris, and then the defender rolls the percentage to avoid getting hit.
<11: Karnak> Though yeah, you could assume the rats and Mer had initiative.
<11: Bruce> Meridius is indeed on a ledge.
<11: Meridius> Yes, BA.
<11: Meridius> I take it only one rat can attack me at a time? Or more?
<Bruce> Okay, so Silana shoots and misses. Then Karnak climbs. Then Meridius attacks. Now Liatus can do something, followed by the rats.
<11: Karnak> Okay, so Silana has taken a shot, Karnak has started climbing, Meridius attacked. It's Gnaea's turn.
<11: Bruce> Two of the rats can crowd in at you.
<11: Bruce> Oh, yes, Gnaea.
<11: Liatus> OK, how hard would it be for me to take a rock and drop it onto the ledge behind Meridius?
<11: Karnak> And then Liatus.
<11: Meridius> Okay.
<11: Karnak> Note that with Meridius in combat, range attacking rats he's fighting is at a further -4 unless you have precise shot.
<11: Bruce> Not very hard, Liatus. What do you have in mind?
<Bruce> Gnaea may do her thing, if Silana wants her to. It'd be an attack at +5 against AC 15.
* Gnaea dives on a rat, trying to rake its back with her claws. If she hits and thinks she can budge it, she'll try to drag it off the edge of the ledge. [Silana]
<Bruce> Sounds good to me.
## Silana rolled 1d20+5 = 20 (15).
<11: Meridius> How many rats, total?
<Bruce> A definite hit. Roll 1d4-2 damage.
* 11: Liatus wants to cast Light on a rock and drop it down into the ledge, so Meridius can fight without taking a -2 to hit penalty.
<11: Karnak> Bruce, something to note.
<11: Bruce> Three.
<11: Karnak> Gnaea has an attack range of 0'.
<11: Bruce> Yes, I know.
<11: Karnak> Which means she has to pass through the 5' threat zone of normal defenders (dunno if dire rats have a 5' threat zone or no), which means an attack of opportunity, usually.
<11: Bruce> Oh, true enough.
<11: Karnak> And the MM corrected the owl damage to 1d2-2.
<11: Silana> We found out that HeroForge is right, and the PHB is wrong. The d2-2 is right, so without magical enhancements, she just does 1 point.
## Bruce rolled 1d20+3 = 10 (7).
<Bruce> The rat sees Gnaea coming and jumps up to bite. Fate lot of good it does her.
<Bruce> Er, fat lot of good.
<11: Karnak> (and to mechanically handle the 'pick it up and drop it off the ledge' you could probably use 'Bull Rush')
<Bruce> True.
<11: Karnak> Otherwise, we can move on to Liatus.
<Bruce> Dan, do you want to go for the damage or the push over the edge?
<Bruce> The latter is a matter of opposed strength rolls, and frankly it's against Gnaea.
<11: Karnak> (Let's see, Gnaea rolls Str-4 (for the rats size) +2 for charge, rat rolls Str + 4 for stability...)
<11: Silana> Let's just take the damage.
<Bruce> The rat takes a hp, and it's cut all across its back. Gnaea swoops back up looking pleased. :)
<11: Karnak> Okay, so Liatus can go.
<11: Karnak> And then the rats.
<11: Liatus> Is my plan at all feasible?
<Bruce> Liatus was thinking of casting Light on a rock and dropping it down. I don't see much problem with this; DC 9 for the dropping part.
<Bruce> Okay, this is embarrasing. What _is_ the actual roll for casting a spell?
<Karnak> No roll.
<Bruce> Right.
<11: Karnak> He'd only have to make a Concentration roll if he was casting in combat.
<11: Karnak> Light is a good one, btw.
* Liatus finds a fair sized rock and blesses it. "Let the power of the Empire bring light to the dark corners of the earth."
<Bruce> Okay, so the making the stone Light is automatic, and make a Reflexes check at DC 9 to avoid hitting anyone as you drop the stone.
<Liatus> Do I get my plus 1 Dex bonus?
<Bruce> Yup.
<Karnak> Yep.
## Liatus rolled 1d20+1 = 9 (8).
<Liatus> crap
<Bruce> No, that makes it.
<Liatus> Oh, wait
<11: Karnak> That makes it, dude.
<11: Meridius> When we get back to something involving me, note that I'm paused for a bit to feed Kira and put something on the stove for myself.
<Liatus> And down it goes.
<11: Karnak> Okay, so it's the rats turn.
<Bruce> Not by much, but *thud* there's now a brightly glowing rock on the ledge, and there are no darkness penalties.
<Bruce> Rat #1 goes for Meridius.
<11: Silana> Liatus fails to miss the surface below. :)
## Bruce rolled 1d20+3 = 11 (8).
<Bruce> So does Rat #2.
* 11: Karnak cheers a miss.
## Bruce rolled 1d20+3 = 15 (12).
* 11: Karnak cheers another miss.
<Bruce> That one came close, but no go.
<Bruce> Rat #3, the injured one, snaps futilely at Gnaea.
<11: Karnak> We're back around to Silana.
<11: Liatus> You know, one of us really should've been an archer :)
<Bruce> Silana can take another shot.
<11: Karnak> Silana has a light crossbow, right?
<11: Bruce> Yes.
* Silana takes aim again, at whichever rat offers the best target...
## Silana rolled 1d20+2 = 20 (18).
<Bruce> That'll do. :)
<11: Liatus> woo
<Bruce> 1d8 damage.
## Silana rolled 1d8 = 8 (8).
<11: Karnak> Right, so move-equive to load, then she fires as a partial action.
<Bruce> BLAM. Dead rat everywhere.
* 11: Silana woohoos!
<11: Bruce> so I figured, yes, Jason.
<Bruce> Karnak next.
## Karnak rolled 1d20 = 14 (14).
<11: Liatus> You know, it's disturbing that that one shot would've killed me.
<11: Karnak> I'm 20' down. :)
* Silana grins broadly. "Got one!"
<11: Karnak> Gnaea
<Bruce> Gnaea can now go for one of the rats attacking Meridius.
<11: Meridius> I'm back.
* Gnaea makes another strafing run... [Silana]
<Bruce> Her chosen rat gets an attack of opportunity on her.
## Bruce rolled 1d20+3 = 13 (10).
<11: Silana> And I forgot her DEX bonus last time. She has Weapon Finesse.
## Silana rolled 1d20+5 = 9 (4).
## Silana rolled 1d20+5 = 20 (15).
<11: Silana> One miss, one hit.
<Bruce> A point of damage on the first of the two remaining rats.
<Bruce> Meridius.
* 11: Karnak notes, "Once Gnaea is in combat with the rat, she doesn't have to keep closing so no more AoO.
* Meridius thrusts a second time at the undamaged rat.
<11: Karnak> Oh, wait.
<11: Bruce> Right, this was changing to another rat since the last one died.
<11: Karnak> Yeah, sorry. Didn't realize there were just the three rats. :)
<Bruce> Chris, +3 vs AC 15.
## Meridius rolled 1d20+3 = 19 (16).
<Bruce> A hit! and 1d6+2 damage.
## Meridius rolled 1d6+2 = 7 (5).
<11: Karnak> Liatus, you're up next.
<Bruce> Rat kebab for dinner. That rat's completely dead.
<Meridius> Hold!
* Meridius has Cleave.
<11: Karnak> Woot, another attack!
<11: Karnak> And with a +2 flank bonus, I bet, from Gnaea!
<11: Bruce> Yup!
* Meridius hacks at the remaining rat.
## Meridius rolled 1d20+5 = 21 (16).
*** Signoff: Raindog (EOF from client) at Sat Dec 14 4:30 PM PST.
<Bruce> Geez. :) Damage again.
<11: Karnak> Woot!
## Meridius rolled 1d6+2 = 3 (1).
<11: Silana> Heay, yeah -- with that crossbow shot, I made Rat On A Stick. :)
<Bruce> The rat that Gnaea and Meridius have both hit is still up, but it looks like it'd really rather be somewhere else right now.
<11: Karnak> Liatus is up, then.
<11: Karnak> Not sure there's much to do, though.
<Bruce> I'm not sure there's much for Liatus to do, but since I didn't think of the Light trick I'm not about to rule anything else out.
* Liatus throws a rock at the last rat.
<Bruce> That's going to be a bit tricky.
<Liatus> Or tries to drop a heavy rock on it, rather.
<11: Karnak> Range mods on the rock are going to be steep.
<11: Silana> And you have two friendlies in melee with it.
<11: Karnak> Plus you're at -4 to hit, cause it's already in combat.
<Bruce> It's a total of -14 to hit it. I suggest refraining.
<11: Silana> I will be very, very cross with you if you drop a rock on my owl. :)
* Liatus checks to make sure there is no one trying to sneak up on us from the top of the ravine then.
<Bruce> Still nobody coming. :)
<Bruce> The poor remaining rat takes a desperate lunge at Meridius.
## Bruce rolled 1d20+3 = 10 (7).
<Bruce> And bounces off that fine Roman armor once again.
<Bruce> Silana, you're up.
<Bruce> You can shoot again, but it's a net -2 because of the rat being right up there in Meridius face, or at least knees.
* Silana peers over the edge once more, and decides firing a bolt into that fight is a Bad Idea. She backs away from the edge, and looks around to make sure nothing else is coming.
<Bruce> Karnak.
## Karnak rolled 1d20 = 11 (11).
<11: Karnak> I'm 30' down.
<Bruce> 30' down.
<Bruce> Gnaea.
## Silana rolled 1d20+5 = 19 (14).
## Silana rolled 1d20+5 = 13 (8).
<11: Silana> One hit.
<Bruce> Another point of damage to the rat, for a total of 1+3+1=5 now. it's staggering.
<Bruce> Meridius.
<11: Karnak> Meridius
<Bruce> The rat remembers the start of this morning, when there was fine rubble to root through. It all went so wrong.
* Meridius thrusts at the last rat.
<11: Meridius> Is the flank bonus still in effect?
<11: Bruce> Yup.
## Meridius rolled 1d20+5 = 15 (10).
<Bruce> A hit!
## Meridius rolled 1d6+2 = 8 (6).
<Bruce> Not a real solid hit, but then it's not a real solid rat right now.
<Bruce> In fact now it's a greatly dissassembled rat.
<Bruce> Okay, folks, since Jason has to leave, I'm going to more or less wrap up here for now.
<11: Karnak> Okay, I've gotta go.
* Meridius clears the ledge of rats and braces the rope at the bottom to assist Karnak's descent, after freeing his hands again.
## Karnak rolled 1d20 = 12 (12).
## Karnak rolled 1d20 = 12 (12).
<Karnak> I make it down okay.
* Liatus laments. I did not get to kill anything.
<11: Karnak> Thanks, that was a great deal of fun! I'll talk to you all later.
<11: Meridius> Seeya, Jason!
<11: Liatus> later
<11: Silana> Oops, and I wasn't taking flanking bonuses for Gnaea, not that it matters.
<Karnak> (there'll be plenty more opportunities for that... and go first next time. ;)
<11: Silana> Bye!
*** Signoff: Karnak (EOF from client) at Sat Dec 14 4:41 PM PST.
<Meridius> A quick wrap-up summary: Meridius and Karnak are on the 2nd ledge. Liatus and Silana are still at the top. It's twilight on the first day of adventuring. Does that all sound correct?
<Liatus> Yes
<Silana> Yes.
<Bruce> It's actually just early afternoon, but otherwise, yes.
<Liatus> And I've used one 0 lvl spell
<Meridius> And there's a Light spell active on a rock behind me. And no one's searched the rats' nest yet.
<Meridius> I want to make sure I remember all the permutations for the start of the next session.
<Bruce> Liatus and Silana can, by the way, each take 10 multiple times to decent the rope with automatic safety.
<Silana> I've used two bolts. I'll try to recover them when I get down there. They'd be broken now, but if I haven't used the spell slots by the time I go to sleep, I can cast Mending on them. :)
<Bruce> :)
<Liatus> This was fun.
<Bruce> (Descending the rope with taking 10 consumes four minutes, as opposed to the half a minute or so of doing it with rolls.)
<Bruce> It was. I hope you guys had a good time.
*** Meridius is now known as Chris.
<Liatus> Even if I didn't get to use my line at the inn I wanted to.
<Silana> I did.
<Silana> What was that?
<Chris> I had lots of fun, and am looking forward to the further adventures of this crew. :)
<Liatus> Waiter, this pate de maison is a disgrace to the cheese it shares board with. If you throw it far enough North, they'll call it liverwurst.
<Bruce> I'm trying to think if I've gamed with Jason before; I know this was my first time with BA and Dan, and I think we did well figuring out how to work together.
* Bruce laughs!
* Silana giggles.
<Bruce> BA, I'll make sure you can an opportunity for that later.
* Liatus was in your Great War and End of Empire playtests.
<Chris> Lots of things get called liverwurst if you throw them far enough, and you don't even have to throw them north. :)
<Liatus> And that Hunter one shot with Clayton and Keely.
<Chris> It's what trebuchets are for. :)
<Bruce> Oh, that's right, BA, I forgot.
<Silana> This was great fun. First time I've played D&D in any form in about 10 years.
<Liatus> I think I was with Keely and someone else for the GW one, and with Mikki for the EoE thing.
<Liatus> I don't think I've played D&D since around the time 2nd ed first came out.
<Silana> And if I'm being too long-winded with poses some times, poke me for it. MU*ing habit.
<Bruce> Not at all, Dan, I liked it.
<Chris> 15+ years for me.
<Bruce> It must be 15+ years for me with D&D, too.
* Chris was always an AD&D man, except for playing the red box basic set in the very beginning (IIRC).
<Bruce> It looks to me like with Jason keeping initiative order and us getting more familiarity, combat will move along pretty well.
<Silana> If it weren't for convention events, it'd be more like 12 for me.
* Silana nods. The combat went pretty smoothly, for us all being rusty.
<Bruce> And I, at least, felt that each character had time to be entertaining in the spotlight this session, even with us pretty much all fumbling our way.
<Liatus> You know, if I had a good chart with all the modifiers and difficulty numbers on it, d20 seems really easy to learn.
<Bruce> Yeah, reference charts are the key thing. The DM screen is disappointingly week in some of that. If I find something good, BA, I'll pass it along.
<Gnaea> . o O ( My supporting cast did well for themselves, yes. ) [Silana]
<Bruce> That was a very handy owl. Those rats can be pretty nasty if they get an ambush in.
* Liatus suggests that, if possible, a good DM screen (or a PC screen) would be a good thing for Gamma World.
<Liatus> ALthough it's probably not in budget.
<Bruce> It isn't, but I'll make sure there are reference pages.
* Chris departs for ch. 1.
*** Chris has left channel 10 [Bruce's Saturday Game].
*** Your default channel is now 11.
*** Chris has left channel 11 [Bruce's Sat. Game - Chatter].
*** You now have no default channel.
*** Chris has joined channel 1 [Open Discussion -- You may now return to your regularly scheduled irregularities...].
*** Your default channel is now 1.
<Chris> Hi, folks.
<Dvandom> Yo
<Bruce> The caliber of roleplaying was right up to my expectations for Eyrie, too - some things are not much affected by system. :)
* Chris returns from Bruce's D&D game.
<Chris> We killed some rats. :)
<Bruce> Big rats.
<Bruce> Possibly big COMMIE rats, though the PCs did not ascertain this.
*** Signoff: Liatus (zum) at Sat Dec 14 4:54 PM PST.
* Eric will be back later.
<Chris> Were they pink?
*** BAfk is now known as BA.
<Chris> Pinko, perhaps?
<Bruce> They were pink on the inside.
* BA got to cast a spell!
<Chris> There you have it, then. Commie pinko rats.
*** DanQ has joined channel 1 [Open Discussion -- You may now return to your regularly scheduled irregularities...].
<Chris> And a damned handy one, too, BA. :)
<Bruce> And it was a useful spell, too. Clever thinking there, BA.

Chris Carter <*> <>
Created: 14 December 2002