The Sunless Citadel, Session 14


What follows derives from my (Chris Carter's) log. I've removed extraneous server messages and some instances of whisper, though others may be left in for context. Entries marked with "11" are from the OOC chatter channel.

Jason was unavailable for this session, so Karnak was left out of play.

<Bruce> shows what you know of the second level so far.
<Liatus> We left off in room 42, yes?
<Bruce> Right, you came back around there.
<Meridius> And we're going to head through the north passage next, IIRC.
<Bruce> That was the plan last I heard, yes.
* Liatus looks to Meridius. "The north passage now? Or shall we deal with the goblins that appear to be behind this door?"
<Meridius> "Let's scout north, first."
<Bruce> Hold it - got to deal with something here. Back in a moment.
* Liatus nods
<Bruce> Or rather continue making plans and I'll catch up.
<Liatus> "So, I had the most unusual dream last night."
* Silana nods. "I'm leery of leaving enemies behind us, but in this case, it's probably for the best, since we don't know what confronting them may get us into."
<Meridius> "I would rather have enemies behind us I was aware of, than enemies behind us I didn't know about."
<Silana> "My one worry is that if we run into trouble further on, these will be in a position to cut off our escape."
<Bruce> All right, I'm back.
<Bruce> Going through that opening in the north wall, then?
* Liatus motions to Meridius. "By all means, after you."
<Meridius> "I prefer to think that I'll cut off something while we escape, Silana." :)
* Meridius heads to the north opening in room 42.
<Bruce> The room to the north is a natural cave chamber left largely unfinished. The floor has the stains of old blood on it. You remember the bugbear up above who had the helmet with big antlers on it?
* Silana can't help but chuckle slightly and smile a bit at Meridius on hearing that. "I'll hold you to that, just so you know."
<Liatus> Yeeeesss?
<Bruce> Well, either this is his place, or there's someone else his size and with the same taste in decor around here. There's the dressed carcass of an elk that could have provided those antlers, and a lot of hunting trophies of various sorts (including the heads of a couple farmers).
<Liatus> "My, how charming."
* Liatus searchs the room.
<Bruce> There are a couple of niches carved into the eastern wall, one with a sleeping palette for someone his size, one with a couple of nesting baskets that have a lot of rat hair in them.
## Bruce rolled 6d20 = 56 (9 6 2 15 17 7).
## Bruce rolled 8d10 = 47 (8 7 6 10 3 4 3 6).
## Liatus rolled 1d20+2 = 12 (10).
* Silana looks about, then shudders at seeing the human heads, muttering something to herself under her breath.
<Liatus> is clearly distracted by the smell.
* Meridius attempts a Search of the room:
## Meridius rolled 1d20+2 = 21 (19).
* Steeling herself to the horror and the stench, Silana tries to search about some, also, poking at things with the butt of her staff. [Silana]
## Silana rolled 1d20+2 = 7 (5).
<Bruce> Between coins stuffed in the rat nests and bags of loose change on a shelf on the western side of the rom, you find 56 silver pieces and 47 gold pieces, and also a mask of an unusual sort.
* Liatus attempts to identify the significance of the mask with his knowledge of arcana.
<Bruce> The mask is a full-face thing, sized for someone of about human proportions, with a rubbery texture. Six tentacles sprout around the mouth, which has sharp fangs in it; there's a small ruby set into the end of each tentacle. You probably hope that whoever made it wasn't working form life.
## Liatus rolled 1d20+7 = 26 (19).
<Silana> "Not something you'd see worn in the sorts of plays I've seen..."
* Liatus pokes at it a little with a stick. "It looks like a mind flayer. In fact, it may even be made from one."
<Bruce> Oh, the northern end of the chamber narrows down to a passage that's been blocked off with rocks that might be easy to move if you're a bugbear, but that look pretty hefty.
<11: Silana> Illithid traffic in body parts.
<11: Bruce> Waiter, remove this man.
<11: Silana> (Ow, that was beneath my usual awfulness. I'm sorry.) :)
* Liatus carefully wraps the mask in a piece of cloth and places it in his pack, figuring we can figure out what to do with it later.
* Liatus then goes to inspect the heads, seeing if any of them are people we recognize.
<Bruce> Fortunately, no.
* Silana looks at the rocks. "Either he really didn't want anyone coming in this way, or he really wanted to keep whatever's this way /in/ there."
* Liatus listens at the rocks, seeing if he can hear anything on the other side.
## Liatus rolled 1d20+3 = 15 (12).
<Bruce> Nothing beyond, that you can here.
<Bruce> Hear, even.
<Liatus> "There doesn't seem to be anything on the other side."
* Silana goes to listen as well, as does Gnaea.
## Silana rolled 1d20+2 = 11 (9).
## Silana rolled 1d20+14 = 28 (14).
* Silana nods to Liatus. "We don't hear anything interesting, either. Let's get out of here before we start smelling like this place."
*** Maya has joined channel 10 [Sat. D&D].
*** Maya has joined channel 11 [Sat. D&D Chatter].
* 11: Silana waves to Maya, and brings around the popcorn.
<Bruce> Okay, back to room 42. Another listen at the door, or a dramatic entrance? :)
* Liatus listens at the door again.
## Liatus rolled 1d20+3 = 23 (20).
<Bruce> You hear a lot! :)
<11: Silana> If I recall correctly, I have Mage Armor running from the fight when we came down to this level, and I don't think I've cast anything else yet today.
<Bruce> There are at least three goblins or things speaking goblin stirring around there. There's hammering, and the gurgles and pops of something stewing, and other sounds you can't quite dientify.
<11: Bruce> That's my recollection as well.
* Liatus whispers this information to the others.
* Silana whispers back to the other two, "Usual positions, then?"
* 11: Liatus doesn't think he's cast anything today either.
<Meridius> "Aye."
<11: Bruce> No, you haven't.
* Liatus is ready
* Silana backs off to a vantage point near the entrance to the bugbear's lair and checks her crossbow, then raises it and sights in on the doorway. She nods her readiness to the others.
* Liatus readies to kick the door open and get out of the way or pull it open, depending on which way it swings.
<Bruce> It's hinged to open both ways, actually.
* Liatus pull it is then
<11: Silana> It's one of /those/ doors.
* Meridius charges into the room when the door swings open, attacking the nearest goblin.
<Bruce> Map update! A short passage leads to another of the temple halls with rows of pillars carved in dragon designs. The luminescent fungi cover most of the carving, however. The floor is cracked cobblestone, and there are many small tables filled with morters and pestles, crushed leaves, leaves ready for crushing, and so on. The first two doors on each side are open, the furthest two are closed.
<Bruce> And there aren't any goblins actually out in the main room when you bust in. You quickly establish that they're in the side rooms, and get some surprise to act on.
<Liatus> We roll initiative or just go in the order we entered the room?
<Meridius> When I enter 47 I'll break to the right and attack any goblins in 'b'.
<Bruce> It'd be good to check initiative.
## Liatus rolled 1d20+1 = 15 (14).
## Silana rolled 1d20+2 = 18 (16).
## Meridius rolled 1d20+4 = 14 (10).
<Bruce> As you enter the main hall, here's what you can make out on first glimpse...
<Bruce> Room a is dark, and there are high-pitched snores coming from in there.
<Bruce> Room b is mostly filled with a very big still and related apparatus. A couple of goblins are in there fussing witht he piping.
<Bruce> Room c has the anvil and forge you heard from outside, and a pair of goblins working on it, their backs to the hall.
<Bruce> Room d has a long table to which something's strapped. You can't see what, because two goblins in leather smocks (their backs also to you) are bending over it.
<Bruce> So you can account for six goblins plus how ever many are snoring.
<Liatus> Silana gets first pick of targets then.
* Silana advances to where the short corridor opens onto the hall, and will provide cover from there. If anything emerges from the room(s) not being taken by the guys, she'll be ready to fire or cast at it, and to warn the guys. With Gnaea helping, she should be able to provide full visual coverage of the visible room.
<Bruce> You've got excellent coverage, and will get in your action after theirs, then.
<Bruce> Liatus?
* Liatus makes for room d and attacks the goblins from behind with his morning star.
<Liatus> Do I get a flanking bonus?
<Bruce> No, but you negate their usual Dexterity-related bonuses.
* Liatus nods
## Liatus rolled 1d20+3 = 21 (18).
<Bruce> That's a hit. :)
## Liatus rolled 1d8+1 = 3 (2).
<Bruce> The goblin lets out a yelp of pain and turns out. On the table behind her and the other goblin, there's a rat tied down, you can see. They were apparently vivisecting it.
<Bruce> Meridius?
<11: Liatus> On think I've decided is that next character I play, I'm definately picking a weapon that does more damage.
<11: Liatus> one thing...
<11: Silana> No, you just need to pick dice that do more damage. :)
* Meridius attacks the nearest goblin in 'b', moving to a position to let me Cleave the other goblin if I get a quick kill on the first one.
<Bruce> Sounds good.
## Meridius rolled 1d20+5 = 11 (6).
<Bruce> That hits, given the advantage of surprise and all.
## Meridius rolled 1d6+2 = 4 (2).
<Bruce> This is fun that usually only thieves get. :)
<Bruce> And that goblin goes down with a clatter onto bottles of moonshine. You may cleave.
## Meridius rolled 1d20+5 = 17 (12).
<Bruce> That's also a hit.
## Meridius rolled 1d6+2 = 6 (4).
<Bruce> The second goblin collapses with a spray of blood on hops. Now there's just you and the still in that room.
<Bruce> For the blacksmith goblins...
## Bruce rolled 1d20+1 = 9 (8).
<Bruce> And for the vivisecting goblins...
## Bruce rolled 1d20+1 = 9 (8).
<Bruce> Oh, wait. Silana may now fire at a target if she wishes; she'd get no penalty aiming at the blacksmith ones.
<Silana> Unless I move further in, I don't have LOS on them. Hmm. Seeing Meridius dispatch his pair, I feel confident enough to turn my back that way and so yes, I'll move up to where I can fire on the smithies.
<Bruce> Righto.
## Silana rolled 1d20+4 = 13 (9).
<Bruce> That hits.
## Silana rolled 1d8+1 = 9 (8).
<Liatus> woo
<Bruce> And that drops him on the spot. His partner looks very confused.
<Silana> *THUNK!*
<Bruce> Okay, now, at the start of round 2, Liatus leads.
* Liatus attacks the second goblin (the one he hadn't already hit)
## Liatus rolled 1d20+3 = 15 (12).
<Bruce> That hits.
## Liatus rolled 1d8+1 = 2 (1).
<11: Liatus> Damn it
<Bruce> That draws blood, leaving you facing two wounded goblins with scalpels.
<Bruce> Meridius?
<Meridius> I back out of 'b' and try to assess where I can be most useful.
* Silana says, "Get the other smithy, I'll help Liatus!"
* Meridius will follow Silana's orders, though he doesn't know if he can get to the other smith in this round.
* Liatus yells in reply. "Cover the remaining room, Silana. I have these two well in hand."
<Bruce> You come a bit short, I think, Meridius.
<Meridius> I'll take out the smith in the next round, then.
<Bruce> Silana?
* Silana will have to reward her little feathered AWACS after this fight. ;)
<Bruce> :)
* Silana turns as Meridius passes her, her crossbow still gripped in her left hand as her right points toward the room Liatus is in. A quick arcane word, and a pair of magical bolts streak toward Liatus' opponents, on at each. (She's been itching to do this...)
## Silana rolled 1d4+1 = 3 (2).
## Silana rolled 1d4+1 = 2 (1).
<Bruce> Ooh!
<Bruce> One of the goblins is pierced through, and falls. The other's still standing, but just barely.
<Bruce> That goblin takes up his scalpel and jabs at Liatus.
## Bruce rolled 1d20 = 15 (15).
<Bruce> That bounces off armor, I believe?
<Liatus> Yes.
<Bruce> The remaining blacksmith goblin grabs his mallet and charges Meridius...
## Bruce rolled 1d20 = 12 (12).
<Bruce> ...and also clangs haplessly on armor.
<Bruce> Round 3, and Liatus leads.
* Liatus wishes to push the goblin down and proceed to kick it to death.
<Bruce> :)
* Liatus wishes to do this because he's very frustrated at not being able to deal with his two little pissant foes on his own.
## Liatus rolled 1d20+2 = 20 (18).
<Bruce> That works, I'd say. Do some damage.
<11: Silana> So Silana wanted to a) do something flashy and stylish, and b) help out the cute priest guy. Sue her. ;)
## Liatus rolled 1d3 = 3 (3).
<Bruce> Blam! That's one stomped goblin.
<Bruce> Now Liatus is alone in the room with the tied-down giant rat.
<Bruce> Meridius, your target has come to you.
* Meridius drops the hammer on the smith (so to speak).
## Meridius rolled 1d20+5 = 25 (20).
<Bruce> Critical check.
<Meridius> Roll to confirm the critical:
## Meridius rolled 1d20+5 = 20 (15).
<Bruce> Double normal damage. :)
<Meridius> And damage:
<11: Silana> Dayamn. Methinks that's Goblin Bits.
## Meridius rolled 2d6+4 = 10 (2 4).
<Bruce> Much of that goblin goes flying back into the blacksmith room.
<Bruce> Silana?
* Silana turns toward the room where some unknown number had been sleeping. Any sign of stirring?
<Bruce> Yes, you can see two goblins just beginning to wake up.
* Silana will draw a bead on one of them and call out at them, "Don't move!"
<Bruce> They look up, see a human pointing a crossbow at them, and freeze.
<Silana> "Guys, we have some to question over here."
* Silana DOES learn from her mistakes. Especially when she's not boiling mad. ;)
<Bruce> :)
*** Bruce is now known as DM.
<DM> Better late than never...
<DM> The goblins do their best to sit very still and not look threatening at all. They can see some blood from where they are, and don't want to see any more. Particularly their own.
<DM> Liatus, you notice that the rat is in a very bad way even apart from being carved up. It looks like it has some nasty woody thing growing inside it, with tumors that have woody tips and hair fallen off to reveal skin with bark-like texture. The goblins were consulting a leather-bound book that has diagrams of unfamiliar plants, and what look like spell instructions of some sort.
* Liatus kills the rat, as much out of frustration as pity.
<DM> The rat gives a final squeak and dies.
* Liatus searches the rest of the lab.
## Liatus rolled 1d20+2 = 5 (3).
* Meridius will Search as well.
* Silana continues covering her captives, while waiting for the others to join her.
## Meridius rolled 1d20+2 = 7 (5).
* Liatus is clearly too irritable to search well.
<DM> These rooms all seem to have a mix of not-very-good-quality tools for hteir respective purposes and just plain junk.
<DM> The room Silana is watching is a barracks of sort, with 16 palettes. Only eight of them have blankets and bedrolls on them, which matches the total of hte goblins you've encountered.
* Liatus stomps accross the room, graps the nearest goblin and slams him up against the wall, demanind to know if he understands common or draconic.
<Goblin> "Eep! Speak some!" [DM]
<Meridius> May I make another Search attempt, Bruce?
* Liatus tosses him in the general direction of Silana. "You question him."
<DM> You may. Actually, you can take 20, if you'd like.
<DM> You can also examine the rooms with shut doors at this point.
<Meridius> I'll do all that, then, Bruce.
<DM> Map update to show the last room, which is an armory - javelins, morningstars, and goblin-sized leather armor. The door in its northeast corner is also shut.
<11: Silana> Player blankage: What was the Big Bad down here being referred to as, again?
<11: Meridius> The Outcast.
<11: Silana> Thank you.
<DM> There's nothing much of note in the brewery room. The lab room has three manuals containing medical and magical notes. The contents are unfamiliar; it looks like there are a bunch of spells related to poisoning and blighting in them.
<DM> The blacksmiths were working on a pair of human-scale boots, putting red leathery insets into a scale mail framework. As Meridius handles the leather, he feels a worried uncertain sense, which lets up when he lets go.
<Liatus> Can kobolds wear and use goblin sized stuff?
* Silana stares down the goblin Liatus roughed up, keeping her crossbow aimed squarely at his chest. She's hoping her weapon will be more intimidating than she herself is. "If you want to live, tell me what you know about the Outcast and what he's doing. And where we go from here to find him."
<DM> Yes, they can, Liatus.
<Meridius> "Liatus, do you have a moment?"
<Goblin> "Outcast terrible dark man! He make us work. Kill our families if we resist. Word come, outsiders slaughter many goblins, we want to flee into safe caves. He say no, make bugbears block off routes, put us to work. He ignore us as long as we keep making. When we not make, he send twig blights torment us." [DM]
<Liatus> "What is it Meridius?"
* Meridius shows Liatus the boots. "What do you make of these? I got a peculiar feeling when I handled them."
* Liatus makes an arcane roll
## Liatus rolled 1d20+7 = 18 (11).
* Silana frowns. Not the sort of story she'd been expecting. She hadn't /wanted/ to feel pity for these creatures, or sympathy for their plight. She tries to shove such feelings aside now, but it's going against her nature to do it. "You hate him, then, and you want the killing to stop?"
<11: Meridius> This dungeon is full of moral ambiguity.
<Goblin> "Want no more goblins killed. Want to fight kobolds, retake home, thrive. Want nasty humans and strange magic to go away." [DM]
<11: Silana> Yes, yes it is. OOCly I love that. :)
<11: Liatus> Dude, you two are the only goblins left. You ain't retaking the salad bar at Shoney's, let alone your home.
<11: Goblins> "The Bac-O's be ours!" [Silana]
<Liatus> "I've not seen their like before. Only stories about things made from the hides of creatures cast out of the light above and forced to dwell under the earth. Mostly used to make items of intimidation and the like.
<Meridius> "Something to stow with the mind flayer mask, then..." :)
<Silana> "Meridius, Liatus, I need a hand here."
* Liatus nods. "We can take them back to town with us. Perhaps find someone more knowledgable than I to more clearly identify them."
* Liatus walks over to Silana, giving the goblins a cold and scornful look.
<Meridius> Meridius follows.
<DM> The goblins flinch and duck their heads.
* Silana says to the guys, "Bind these two's arms behind them." Then to the goblins: "Fine. We want to get what we came for and get out. We'll take you with us. You guide us, and when we're done we'll let you go. You steer us wrong or betray us, we'll kill you. Do we have a deal?"
<DM> The goblins nod enthusiastically. "We help!"
* Liatus whips out some leather cord and binds the goblins.
<DM> The goblins hold out their hands behind them. You get the idea they've done this before.
<11: Liatus> I'm not at all interested in what they do in their spare time, Bruce.
* 11: Silana snerks.
* 11: DM cackles. Montano's startled.
* Liatus also puts them on leashes and hands the leads to Silana.
* Once the goblins are dealt with, Silana hmmms. "We're going to be dealing with plant things. I wonder... Meridius, you think that liquor they were making in there is strong enough to burn?" [Silana]
<Meridius> "I'll examine it."
*DM* Strong enough to burn, and to strip paint, should that come up.
* Meridius sniffs at it. "It'll burn."
* Silana smiles. "Good. I think we'll have use for it."
<11: Liatus> I bet we could soak the goblins in liquor, light them on fire and send them running down the coridor.
<DM> And there's as much of it as you might want to carry.
<Liatus> "Perhaps our new guides could carry their share of it as well."
<Silana> "My thoughts exactly."
<11: Meridius> I need to pause for a moment.
<11: DM> Righto.
<11: Meridius> I'm back.
<DM> Okay, so, you've got the goblins tied up and loaded with booze in relatively fragile bottles.
* Silana sticks a couple bottles in her own pack, just in case.
* 11: Liatus resists the urge to refer to them as his little smart bombs.
<Meridius> I'm going to take a single arrow and prep it with some cloth and some of the booze to be a fire arrow, figuring we'll do some bottle-tossing and then firing the arrow at the landing zone thing...
<DM> (You never know when getting soused might help!)
<DM> Oh, very good.
* Liatus collects the boots and the various books from the lab, and a few bottles.
* Silana asks the goblins, "Besides us and the Outcast, have you seen any other humans down here?"
<DM> The goblin nods. "Two, three times each year, goblin warriors bring prisoners, take to Outcast's garden. He say he offer them to tree, tree accept them. Not see them again."
<Silana> "Guys, we've got to get moving, and hope it's not already too late." To the goblins again, "Can you lead us there, and tell us more about what we'll find when we get there?"
<DM> The goblin points at room 3. "Past there, two big galleries. Bugbear tend them. Outcast try to grow surface plants there. Not work too well, he keep trying. Each have two smaller rooms, more growing. Past galleries, dragon shrine. Past that, tunnel to Outcast and grove. Not go there."
<DM> Room e, I mean.
* Silana nods. "Are we going to run into any more of you on the way?"
<Goblin> "Maybe. Cousin told, pick fungi. They got pick. Not see them, not know." [DM]
<Goblin> "Outcast, he go away to grove, work three, eight, twelve days in row. Then come out and boss us every day." [DM]
<Silana> "All right. If we see your cousins, it's your job to tell them not to fight us. You'll be saving their lives, and your own, if you do. We don't have any interest in taking your home away from you, we just want to stop the Outcast and keep him from killing amy more humans."
<DM> He nods again. "Okay, I tell."
<Goblin> "We get home back, we not kill you, any of your families." [DM]
<Silana> "Good, we understand each other. Guys, ready to go?"
<Meridius> "Yes."
<DM> The goblins both nod.
* 11: Silana listens to Enigma, loud, and finds it appropriate to the mood. :)
* Liatus gesturs to Meridius to take the lead.
<DM> You can make a listen check at the door out of room e.
## Liatus rolled 1d20+3 = 23 (20).
<DM> Oh, I didn't say: room f had empty shelves. It's set up for storage, but there weren't things that needed storing there.
<Meridius> We were in 'f' last session. :)
<DM> Oh, that's right. :)
<DM> Liatus heard something of note.
* Silana does feed Gnaea some tasty jerky bits before we move on. :)
<Liatus> "There's something in there."
<Liatus> "Something... gardening."
* Silana looks to the guides. "Bugbears?"
<goblin> "Yes." [DM]
<Liatus> "Yes, I'm quite certain a gardener. I recognize the rythemic sounds of pruning from my time speant among the Imperial Gardens.
<Liatus> "It must be one of the bugbears our ... guides spoke of."
<Silana> "Meridius?" The sorceress is already moving to take up her usual sort of firing position, gesturing the goblins to keep out of the way to one side.
* Meridius stows his bow and the prepared arrow and switches to a pilum, and holds for Liatus to open the door.
* Liatus readies his morning star and pulls the door open.
<DM> Map update! The room on the other side is _big_. Luminiscent fungi grow on all surfaces, except where they've been deliberately cleared off. There are raised beds running the length of the room, with sickly-looking versions of local bushes and hedges growing. The room's occupied by a bugbear wielding a massive sickle, slicing off the upper reaches of the five-foot toadstools the grow out of some of the beds.
<DM> The floor's mostly soft dirt and compost - mind your footing. You can barely make out bas-relief work on the walls showing (here, at least) dragons reining fire and destruction on hapless vicitms of all sorts on the ground.
<DM> The gardener has her back to you, and did not pay attention to your entrance.
<Silana> How far away is she?
<Meridius> I'll cast my pilum at the bugbear, then charge her, taking a slightly roundabout way so Silana may have a clear shot.
<DM> She's 25' feet away, in the middle of the cross between side chambers.
<11: Silana> (Exxxcelennnnt...)
<DM> Best to check initiatives.
## Silana rolled 1d20+2 = 17 (15).
## Liatus rolled 1d20+1 = 19 (18).
## Meridius rolled 1d20+4 = 24 (20).
<DM> Holy cow.
<DM> Thsoe cats were fast as lightning.
<DM> Okay, Meridius.
<11: Silana> Now watch our attacks be threes and fours.
* Meridius casts his pilum:
## Meridius rolled 1d20+3 = 14 (11).
<DM> That hits,w hat withs urprise and all.
## Meridius rolled 1d6+2 = 3 (1).
<DM> NOW you've got its attention. She yelps in pain and turns around, looking very surprised indeed.
<11: Liatus> A mighty blow to the shin, it seems.
<DM> Liatus?
<Liatus> I'm carefully moving off to the side, keeping an eye out for trouble and holding my attack.
<DM> Righto. Silana?
## Silana rolled 1d20+4 = 23 (19).
<DM> Check for critical.
## Silana rolled 1d20+4 = 11 (7).
<DM> No critical, but do regular damage.
## Silana rolled 1d8+1 = 3 (2).
<DM> A total of 6 hp, and the gardener's going from surprised to angry.
<DM> Liatus?
<Liatus> Can I get in range and attack this round?
<DM> Yes, you can.
* Liatus does so.
## Liatus rolled 1d20+3 = 22 (19).
<DM> (Oh, and Meridius is in position to attack next turn.)
<DM> Check for critical. :)
## Liatus rolled 1d20+3 = 13 (10).
<Liatus> darn
## Liatus rolled 1d8+1 = 3 (2).
<DM> That's a critical because it's surprise!
<DM> Reroll with double damage.
## Liatus rolled 2d8+2 = 14 (4 8).
<11: Silana> Go Liatus! :)
<DM> Before she can quite manage to say anything, the gardener discovers that she's dead.
<DM> Oh, by the way, 600 xp to divide among yourselves for the goblins, and 450 xp to divide for this one. If she'd gotten in an attack, it might have been nasty.
<Liatus> We need to do an xp tally at the end of this session.
* Liatus searches the room.
## Liatus rolled 1d20+2 = 15 (13).
<DM> You can now take your time to examine this area.
* 11: Silana dances in my chair to Enigma. :)
<DM> One of the goblins points at the north door and says "Room like this there." He points at the others and says "small gardens".
* Silana searches around, also consulting our guides as to anything else of interest.
## Silana rolled 1d20+2 = 20 (18).
<DM> You notice that several of the plants are of unusual size - up to twice normal. Next to each of these is a small flask filled with some smoky green liquid.
<11: Meridius> Miracle-Gro!
<11: Silana> More like Infernal-Gro, I'd wager.
<DM> And there's a trellis hammered into the south wall, near the door. The spikes holding it are of an unfamiliar metal, a shiny black that's somewhat reminiscent of that tray in the dragon altar room.
<DM> There are also as many mushrooms as you can carry, and then some.
<Silana> "Those look interesting..."
<Silana> (Referring to the spikes, not the mushrooms.) ;)
* Silana casts Detect Magic, and starts sweeping the room, starting with the spikes.
<DM> The spikes are indeed magical, with an evocation property of some sort. The potions are also magical, of the transmutation sort. A lot of the plants have been the subjects of transmutation, evocation, and necromancy magic, but they are not themselves magical.
<Liatus> "We should burn this place."
<Silana> "We want to take these spikes, and the green liquid. I'm not sure exactly what the spikes do, but there's something magical about them."
* Liatus nods and goes to see about getting the spikes out of the wall.
<DM> Try a Strength roll.
## Liatus rolled 1d20 = 13 (13).
<DM> You manage to work one of them loose. It's surprisingly light for something its size, but it's clearly not hollow or anything.
* Silana will go and check the 'small garden' to the east while she's still got the detection up.
<DM> Something on the other side is distinctly magical. And a bit warm - the door's warm to your touch.
<DM> Nothing magical shows up by the south door, apart from the trellis spikes, if you check that.
<Silana> "Um, guys, this door's a little warm." Then to the goblins, "Do you know why this would be warm?"
<DM> They shake their heads. "Maybe burn trash."
<Silana> "Meridius?"
<Meridius> "Let's go ahead and check the garden to the east. Perhaps there's another bugbear gardener to kill."
* Silana nods. "There's something magical in there, and the door is warm. I didn't want to go opening it by myself."
* Liatus tries to pull the other spikes out.
<Meridius> "Aye."
<DM> Liatus, with some taking 10 you can get all the rest of them out. Six, all told.
<DM> Meanwhile, Silana and Meridius try to get Liatus' attention. :)
<Silana> No, Liatus was busy doing something I asked him to do.
<DM> Oh, okay.
<Silana> I knew /I/ wouldn't have any luck pulling those out. ;)
<DM> So Liatus is getting spikes while Meridius and Silana are at the eastern door, as i understand it at the moment.
<Silana> Yes. We may be waiting for him, but it's not like he's being oblivious. He had something to finish doing. :)
<DM> Okay. :)
<Silana> I went further exploring and magic-detecting while he was at it.
<DM> Gotcha.
## Liatus rolled 1d20 = 19 (19).
* Liatus takes the remaining spikes and joins the others.
* Silana lets the detection spell drop, since it's not like she can concentrate on keeping it going while preparing for another possible fight.
<Silana> "What do you make of those spikes, Liatus?"
## Liatus rolled 1d20+7 = 15 (8).
<11: Silana> Well, now that they're all together, they form a critical mass of bigboomium, and...
<Liatus> (for my arcana roll)
<Liatus> "I've not seen their like before. I might have better success when we return to more hospitable environs."
* Silana nods. "I figured they were worth taking, whatever they are. We can find out later."
<DM> Any prep to do before opening the door?
* Silana takes up her usual ready position.
* Silana will modify that be standing to the left of directly in line with the door.
* Meridius has a pilum ready and waits for Liatus to open the door.
## DM rolled 1d20+5 = 20 (15).
<DM> Pay me no mind. :)
<11: Silana> Flamingo usher/waiters refill Maya's popcorn and bring her another beverage.
<11: DM> :)
* Liatus readies his morning star and opens the door
<11: Maya> Most kind. ;)
<DM> Map update. It's an octagonal room, filled with mostly charred and smoking plants of various sorts. In the middle of it is a bright red worm, radiating heat, about a foot across and four feet long. Its eyeless head is pointed right at the door; it heard you getting set to come in. This is the source of the heat, and presumably kin to the thing in the holes down at the far end of the rift.
<DM> Intiatives, please.
## DM rolled 1d20+1 = 14 (13).
## Meridius rolled 1d20+4 = 10 (6).
* Silana blinks. "Oh, damn..."
## Silana rolled 1d20+2 = 10 (8).
## Liatus rolled 1d20+1 = 21 (20).
<DM> So it's Liatus, then the worm, then Silana and Meridius.
* Liatus attacks the worm, hoping to, if nothing else, distract it so the others can get ranged attacks off.
## Liatus rolled 1d20+3 = 23 (20).
<DM> Check for critical. :)
## Liatus rolled 1d20+3 = 10 (7).
<Liatus> darn
<DM> No critical, but do your damage.
## Liatus rolled 1d8+1 = 2 (1).
* 11: Liatus slaps his forehead
<DM> The worm recoils briefly, and strikes right back at you.
## DM rolled 1d20+4 = 5 (1).
<DM> Wow, you distracted it. :)
<DM> Meridius?
<11: Liatus> What the hell is the deal here? We keep getting these great attacks rolls and then the most absolutely shitty damage rolls.
<Meridius> Silana is next.
<Meridius> According to what you typed a moment ago.
## Silana rolled 1d20+4 = 15 (11).
<DM> You have the same Initiative ratings this fight, but Meridius' base initiative is higher, so he goes slightly before Silana. (After this; we'll let that attack stand, since it hits.)
<Meridius> Oh, okay. I thought it was based on who had the highest DEX...
## Silana rolled 1d8+1 = 9 (8).
<DM> Wow. Silana's arrow cracks open the worm's hide, and a jet of steam shoots up toward the ceiling.
<DM> Meridius?
* Meridius throws his pilum while on the run toward a flanking position.
## Meridius rolled 1d20+3 = 19 (16).
<DM> That also hits.
## Meridius rolled 1d6+2 = 4 (2).
<DM> That's 15 points so far? It's jetting steam and hot blood at a fearsome pace.
<DM> Round 2, Liatus.
* Liatus attacks again
## Liatus rolled 1d20+3 = 19 (16).
## Liatus rolled 1d8+1 = 2 (1).
<11: Liatus> OK, I want a new fucking weapon.
<DM> The worm rears back again and then flops over. That was just enough to kill it.
<11: Liatus> A magic sword. A nerf bat. Anything.
<Silana> Oh, crap. That attack of mine actually missed, probably. I forgot the -4 because Liatus was in melee with it. :P
<DM> The body cools fairly quickly once it's dead.
<Liatus> No no. I hit and lept away.
<Silana> Okay.
<DM> Dan, I'm not gonna penalize you for it. We make mistakes from time to time. I think it evens out in the long run.
<DM> As you step into the room, you see that charred fungus hid foot-wide holes like the ones in the rift.
<Meridius> Is my pilum recoverable?
<DM> Yes, it is.
<Meridius> I recover it.
<Meridius> And then I look to see if our two goblin prisoners are still around.
<Silana> That's one crossbow bolt that's not going to be useful again after any amount of Mending, though. ;)
<Silana> Ash is seldom Mendable.
<DM> The prisoners are still secured, and still intimidated as hell. If anything, more so now.
* Silana does a quick search of the room, though anything interesting that was in here has a high chance of having been incinerated.
## Silana rolled 1d20+2 = 5 (3).
<Silana> Sort of like that roll.
<DM> You seem to be correct. :)
* Liatus looks at the things skin to see if it's similar to what the boots were made from.
<DM> Similar in color, but not in texture, and the worm's hide creates none of that feelign of dread.
<DM> The goblins are staring at the dead worm. "Terrible thing."
* Silana nods. "If there was anything here to see, there isn't now. Let's check the south end."
<DM> Any investigating you want to do of the worm body or anything else there before proceeding to the southern arboretum?
* Liatus makes an arcane roll to see if there's anything on the worm we can salvage and sell to alchemists or others.
## Liatus rolled 1d20+7 = 14 (7).
<DM> Yes, actually, there's a small concentration of jewels in the worm's gullet, like birds' roughage stones.
* Liatus cuts it open and fetches them them :)
<DM> Half a dozen small sapphires.
<11: Silana> 30 minutes until I pumpkinize.
<Liatus> woo
<11: DM> Righto. I was about to check.
<DM> Anyone listening withs omething other than take 10 at the southern door?
* Silana nods. I will.
* Liatus will also
## Silana rolled 1d20+2 = 4 (2).
## Liatus rolled 1d20+3 = 18 (15).
<DM> Silana hears her own head. Liatus hears several goblins talking and moving around.
* Liatus whispers. "More goblins."
## DM rolled 1d20+3 = 16 (13).
* 11: Silana resolves to take the wind chime earrings OFF before trying a listen check, next time.
* Meridius goes to listen at the north door.
## Meridius rolled 1d20-1 = 11 (12).
<DM> Nothing there.
<DM> One of the goblins points at the north door and says, "Nobody there, now gardener dead."
* Liatus whispers. "It that is the gardner's den, perhaps we should serch it now before moving on?"
<Meridius> "Agreed."
<11: Silana> North was supposedly another big garden hall.
* Liatus moves to the north door and readies to open it
* Meridius is ready with his gladius.
* Silana takes up her usual ready spot.
<DM> Map update. As the goblins said, it's similar to the one you're just leaving, except that there are only plants there. More unsuccessful gardening experiments, of course.
<DM> A bunk along the west wall has the bugbear's personal possessions, should anyone feel inclined to go throught hem.
* Silana does a quick search of the room as we pass through, making her way up the eastern side and stopping at the door there.
* Silana does a quick search of the room as we pass through, making her way up the eastern side and stopping at the door there.
## Silana rolled 1d20+2 = 22 (20).
* Liatus searches the room
## Liatus rolled 1d20+2 = 9 (7).
<DM> On her way, Silana notices that the gardener had a very fancy black wood flute in her belongings, and finds another four of those vials of smoky liquid.
* Silana will take the flute, wrap it in something and tuck it into her pack, along with the vials.
* Silana listens at the door to the east.
## Silana rolled 1d20+2 = 17 (15).
* Silana returns to the others, and points at the eastern door. "Something's rattling in there. Skeletons, maybe."
* Liatus readies his imperial seal.
<DM> It's time for the Liatus show!
<11: Meridius> We should pause before engaging in another combat, since that would be likely to take us over time.
<11: Silana> Until it turns out to be a goblin xylophonist with a bone instrument. ;)
<11: DM> Good point, Chris. Dan, very bad point. :)
<DM> All right, so we pause with the characters prepared to go see what's shakin', as it were.
<11: Silana> Good stopping place, yes.
<11: Silana> And good session. Woo. :)
<DM> Oh, and the thoqqua (the worm) is another CR 2 encounter, so that's another 600 xp to divide among yourselves.
<DM> I make the total earned 1650, or 550 apiece.
<Silana> Where are we at, total each?
<DM> Chris is keeping those records more closely than I am, at the moment.
* Meridius has a bit over 4000XP. "Haven't yet calculated accurately, though."
<Liatus> How far are we from 4th level?
<Meridius> Just under 2000XP.
<DM> 4th level requires a total of 6000 XP. You're a third of the way there from 3rd level, or a bit more.
*** Meridius is now known as iChris.
*** DM is now known as Bruce.
<Silana> Okay. I may or may not be available next Saturday, I won't know until later in the week. As soon as I DO know, I'll tell everyone else.
<Silana> As we close out Session 14. Woo. :)
* 11: Maya applauds.
<Bruce> As nearly as I can tell, you guys are one or two sessions from finishing this.
<iChris> Very cool.
<Silana> I was guessing as much, yes.

Chris Carter <*> <>
Created: 17 May 2003